Mask of Mystery

  • It's all done, just eight pages, but it looks better
    on the site, two or three days and I should be done.
    Right now everything is just making pages for all
    my pics and linking everything together. Can you
    wait that long?

  • Puma aka Jams,

    Im gonna have to safe pick the lock. That seems to be the most intriguing idea. BTW Love your story, the only thing i seem to dislike is the slightest is the first person approach. **-) **-) +-)

    Angedunoir aka Aphrodite aka Tosh

  • [ffstory]I had to find my stuff; I need it to get out of here. Where would Mok- I mean Kane hide it?

    A click alerted me as the lock gave way. I pulled the door open a crack and peeked around to check for anyone. Seeing no one, I began my search of the house.

    The first room I came to was a bathroom, doubtful Kane would hide my stuff in there. Moving on, I found a library, but the dimensions were all wrong compared to the hall. I went to the far end, its walls lined with bookcases and a fireplace. Funny, no soot... Either this guy was a clean freak or it wasn't used often.

    I pushed and pulled, trying to find the lever to trip an opening. There just had to be a door. As I sighed, my eyes came back to the fireplace. This time I got on all fours, crawling into it to look up. And what did I find? A door handle. Go figure this guy to state the obvious and then divert your attention. Reaching up, I grasped the handle and turned it. A cement door swung in on well-oiled hinges to reveal a stone staircase winding up and down.

    Down is always a good way to go in a house, usually all the dumb people in bad movies ran upstairs and then died. I peered into the darkness before climbing through the doorway and onto the landing. Pushing the door shut plunged me into darkness, but my bare feet now came in handy when I had to feel for the next step as I made my way downward.

    My knuckles rapped against something wooden and I realized it was another door. Groping for a handle produced nothing, but my hand did find a small rope with a knot in it. I pulled, softly at first, so I wouldn't just yank the door open; but harder after I realized it might take some elbow grease to get it open.

    It finally gave way, whooshing a great flow of dusty air into the stale air of the stairwell. I walked into the room, reaching for a light. I found a switch and flicked it, to my surprise one little desk lamp came on... the one that had been sitting on Kane's desk in his wine room the day before. So I was in the here again.

    Pulling out my bent fork/lock-pick, I went to work on the first thing I saw. His desk. It took a little finessing, but the lock finally popped and the drawer slid open with the same silence as the doors in his house.

    Success! My pack, guns and boots were all in here. I pulled them out and quickly strapped on my holster, sliding my guns into it felt good. Crap, no socks... looks like I'd have to go without this time. I slid on my boots, which wasn't as easy considering I didn't have socks and my feet were somewhat grimy. Pulling on my pack as I flipped the switch of my flashlight, I then reached over and flipped the switch on the wall off, extinguishing the lamplight.

    Turning to go, I paused. Walking up to the cooler, I opened it and pulled out the bottle from the night before. He may have laced my wine, but he picked a good year to use. I slipped it in my bag and walked back to the stairwell.

    As I ascended, I thought about the mask. I wanted it back, but there was always an opportunity to come back and claim it. I could not stay here. There was no way in knowing if he knew I was gone, what kinds of weapons he carried, or how many of those dammed cameras he had around here.

    Pulling the door shut behind me, I bent and looked out of the fireplace to check if anyone was coming. The coast being clear I climbed out and walked to the hallway. Looking both ways as I held a hand at my gun butt, I slowly walked forward. The house had been strangely quiet before, but now I heard a faint mumble.

    The step down led to a sublet of the house, almost as if it was a different section. It seemed newer somehow... almost- That's when I heard it again. I was sure of it this time!

    My nerves were steel as I edged along the narrow hall, its walls almost claustrophobic after the breezy architecture of the others. Slowing, I halted just before an open door. Leaning around I looked inside and what I saw made me jump back around the corner faster than a jackrabbit.

    It was Kane! But what was he doing in here sleeping... I swear I saw him walking away from the house so long ago. Taking my gun out as I edged around the corner, I slowly leveled it at the sleeping figure. I wasn't taking any chances. Walking forward drew my attention to the odd scar along his eye, its vividness paled as it zagged its way down his cheek and into the hairline above his ear.

    His hair was also darker and shorter than Kane's... and he was taller, at least three inches. But why was he here? Just then, his eyes cracked open.

    A thick baritone ground out "Hello gorgeous," before he dragged a hand across his mouth, half a days stubble crackling against his palm. He gave an assessing look down my barrel before looking directly into my eyes. "You aren't going to shoot me, are you?" I wasn't going to let the half-dazed man catch me off guard.

    "Not unless you give me good reason." I said levelly, eyeing his attire, or lack of it. "Who the hell are you?"

    "I could ask you the same question, beings you are in my house, in my bedroom, pointing a gun at me. So I'll do that, who are you?" Now he had sat up, his sheets pooled in his lap. This house was just full of burly guys. Not that he was as burly as Volge, ugh, but he would not be easy to overpower by hand.

    "You should know... I've been a guest here for the last day or two. Lara." I pulled out my other gun and leveled it squarely on his bare chest.

    He just smirked and folded his hands behind his head. "I should have known better. Kane is always up to something. I suppose this has to do with that dammed mask. Then that makes you the Lara... Lara Croft. And I almost thought you were a figment of my brother's wild imagination." He looked up and down me, I hated that caress of the eyes, but at least he wasn't Volge.

    "What do you know about the mask?" I inquired as I walked to the window, keeping a gun on him, and looked out to check around, no one.

    "I know a lot about the mask, it belongs here. Nevertheless, my brother did not do you justice. Hmmm," he worked his mouth in a smack. "I don't suppose you'd let me get a glass of water. I'm parched."

    "How do I know you won't try something?" my eyes narrowing.

    Sticking his hands up, he smiled. An odd thing for a man in his position to do.

    "I won't try anything to warn Kane or Volge... As for you..." his smile was wide and it tempted me to shoot the wall next to his head just to make him jump, but I couldn't risk them hearing the gunshot. "Okay. I'll tell you this. I'm not with Kane. I never have been. He is just visiting as far as I'm concerned. I'm not going to hurt you, but I won't help you either." He held a hand out in a show of friendship.

    I studied it before I nodded, not wanting to get too close, lest he try and take one of my guns. "One bad move and I'll shoot you in the knees before putting you out of your misery." I motioned for him to get up with the barrel of my gun.

    He slid out of bed, hands up slightly as a show of peace. When he started in the direction of a chest of drawers, I cocked the hammer into place.

    "I don't think so, Mr." I glared at him. "What do you need?"

    "Some pants would be nice, unless you want me in my boxers..." I stooped and picked up a pair of black slacks off the back of a chair and pitched them at his grinning face. He caught them and slid them on.

    I walked him out and down the hall. He passed several doors before unlocking one. It led into an expansive kitchen. As I came in, he turned and closed the door, locking it. "This will give us some privacy and the added safety you crave. Now...what exactly are you doing here?" He walked around to the counter and pulled a glass off the shelf. Opening the fridge, he pulled a pitcher of water out and filled the glass. Setting it back in the fridge, he took a big swallow before looking at me.

    Shifting uncomfortably, I sat down at the counter, guns in my holsters so they weren't quite so accessible. "I am the true finder of the mask, but Kane took it from me by brut force and has been keeping me here, though I don't know why. I was on my way out when I found you. I thought you were him and I was going to kill you..."

    "But didn't because...?" His eyebrows raised in concern.

    "I don't know... I've been through a lot, but I wasn't prepared to find anyone else... This just gets deeper by the minute." I shoved my hands against my head. "And now you're you, not him... I don't know what to think."

    "Well, I'm Vin," he said simply before walking over to a couch and sitting down. The kitchen led off into a dining room and lounge. Normally I would be impressed, but by this point, I was just frazzled. To top it off, a shout came from down the hall and I knew my escape had been discovered.

    He sighed and turned to me. "This is where I let you go, you'd better move it if you don't want to get caught. I know Kane. If he has need of you, he won't let you slip away." His resigned look made me wonder what kind of man he was.

    "Why don't you just turn me over to him?" I shifted as I readied myself to escape yet again.

    "And have you shoot me... no thanks. Besides, your being here isn't my business." He waved his hand over his shoulder. "Go, now. Before it does concern me!"

    I backed up to the door. Turning the lock, I looked back at this enigma of a man before fleeing. Moving down the hall toward a window, I stopped dead when the deep rumble told me to.

    I knew before I turned that Volge would be standing there. His lumbering shadow filled the hallway, blocking my view and any possible escape back toward Vin. My eyes traveled up the massive manservant to rest upon the grand chandelier hanging elegantly just above his head.

    Taking a deep breath, I jumped to the side and back about a foot as I whipped out my gun and fired a single bullet. Volge just stood there and sneered, "Stupid girl. I'm right here and you not even hit me." His tongue seemed impossibly thick now. I smiled.

    "Who said I was shooting at you?" I watched as the wires gave way and the chandelier came crashing down on his head. He fell like a giant off a bean stock; the floor shook as his mass collided with it.

    I snickered as I jogged to the window. My last sight as I jumped away, was Kane coming up the hall at a dead run, yelling something unintelligible. The tree limb I caught was buoyant and young, springing up and down under my weight. A good swing sent my body flying through the air and a nice flip rounded out the escape. I threw up my hands in a mock gymnast landing before sprinting towards the forest. However, as soon as I reached its edge, I recalled the building Volge and Kane had gone to and wondered if I should go there instead...[/ffstory]

  • Fang u very much!
    :D I'm going some where with the first person me.
    The lock picking is in the works...hehehe...and I'll get it to
    you guys asap! Thanks for stopping by Tosh. :D

  • I thought tha forest would be nothing interesting, I would go for the mystery building, and I guess Lara couldn't leave that alone, without finding out what's going on.

  • It's kind of an asking, does Lara take a break
    and stop to think about things, Or does she just keep on going
    and get to the bottom of it all now...
    You know what I mean?

    And honestly, TRG what did you think? :lol:

  • Those are "Lara" moments...
    My mom liked the gymnast landing she did when she jumped out
    the window later...she said she could picture it because of watching
    my brother and me playing the game. :D