Legend Model Karima

  • uuuummmm, you already said that

    and what is Karima in the pink? is it the snow outfit?

  • I think it should be. But isn't it brown or grey or so in trl?

    It is strength and pride she stands for and thats why shes somebody one should follow. I sure enough will try.
    Stand up, girls, and beat the hell out of 'em.

    .Bambee Bardout. :cat

  • WOW :-o NEW PHOTOSHOOT! AND UMMMMM WOW IS ALL I CAN SAY! http://www.tombraiderchronicle…adebibe/blueshoot_02.html :-o

  • I think Karima is a good Lara model. She's nice and I think she looks quite a bit like Lara in Legend (or at least the closest I have seen).

    But I do think that she may be too young (like TRG said), although DarkestAngel also makes a point about the possiblity that as she gets older, she will look more like Lara.

    I also agree with the fact she doesnt have enough muscles. Maybe a 3 day a week workout would suffice? [hehe]

  • Here are (more or less) adult people discussing, wether or not a real life person looks like the fictional heroine of a computer game series. Personally, I have no problem with Karima, as she seems to be a pretty decent model for the Legend version of Lara, not considering her age. Thumbs up! :)

    "Hört bitte auf, über Nacktcheats zu reden und legt Euch schnellstmöglich ein Leben zu. Oder eine Freundin." (Moi)