Hello there!
Since lots of material have been released about the upcoming Tomb Raider game and I'm sure many people have thoughts and opinions about the game, I decided to open this thread for general discussion. Keep in mind that there's already an Official Screenshot Discussion thread, so if one wishes to discuss about screenshots one shall do it there.
Gameplay videos from E3 2012 and trailers (Turining Poin and Crossroads) can be watched for example via Youtube, and screenshots and concept art images can be viewed for example at the Official Gallery here (Screenshots) and here (Concept art)
Hopefully this sparks up some discussion. Feel free to post your thoughts and opinions!
Now, as the general guidelines and links have been listed above, here are some of my thoughts about TR9:
I'm quite happy about how the gameplay video that showed deer hunting confirmed that in addition to escaping scavengers and fast-paced action there are also rather calm sequences and less scary environments. I remember being worried about the game turning out to be too scary, but since the videos show a bit of sunshine instead of constant darkness in caves, I have a feeling that I don't necessarily be all while playing.
But speaking of fast-paced action, some of the fighting scenes seem a bit too brutal for my taste. I've never been so interested about how realistic and accurate things are in video games, I only play games for fun and entertainment. The amount of gore and blood is a bit worrying. I hope there'd be an option in a menu to turn bloodsplatters off...