Posts by thebradykid

    I am on the snow mobile. I am inthe opening with all the ramps. I have moved the two ice blocks and killed the two leopards in the cave. I am now back on the snow mobile and on the series of ramps that take lead to the cace mouth where I have moved the ice blocks. I assume I am supposed to jump the snow mobile into the cave but after 50 tries it just won't jump that gap... any suggestions? Am I heading the right way??


    Please Help... I am on TR2 in the level called 40 fathoms. I am at the point where I have swam through a tunnel and as I come out of the hatch and climb up there is a brawler and a gunman. Trouble is... I went and saved the game just before I climb up so everytime I start again I am in the water ready to climb out. However, I only have a tiny bit of life left and one small medi - pack. The gunman gets me before I can climb out or turn around and go back through the tunnel. Even when I take my last medi - pack he still gets me. I have tried about 30 times so far in the hope he will come on in a different position in the room and give me time to climb out and get him, but no luck so far.
    Is the a way to go back a level or to a previous save? :-(