Posts by bagos

    Hi everyone,

    I am currently playing Tomb Raider: Underworld and have hit a wall with a particularly challenging puzzle.

    I’d love to hear any strategies / tips you might have for getting past this section. :) Specifically; I’m struggling with the underwater lever puzzle in the Mediterranean.

    If you have any walkthroughs / videos that you found helpful; please share!

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Happy gaming!:)


    I am new to this forum community and very excited to get involved ! I am looking forward to contributing and learning from the community.

    Could someone guide me in the right direction for where to start? Are there any specific threads; resource ; areas of the forum that you would recommend for a newcomer?

    Any advice on how to get the most out of this forum would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance for your help!