I believe the game should be bigger!
Posts by Obliviaram
No, in less! 5 days! Man, it was horrible! Is because of that I give Anniversary a 9.99999999999998 instead of a 10.0!
If CD had made it bigger Eidos wouldn't loose 0.00000000000001 points. -
I'm a little concerned about this! I bought the game Wednesday and I've just finished it!
Like it was so fast. I played Natla's mines, the great pyramid and atlantis so fast. I didn't died once while battling Natla. The legless monster I did one time: I dodge and I felt the platform
The atlantis level also was so small. I only caught an artifatct. How can it have 4 of them!!!
Well the thong is: it could be bigger! I don't thing CD has already understood it well. But apart from Legend, i now fell ok by replaying all the levels. In Legend was almost a sacrifice to me!It killed me!
actually, my mistake, it IS the Croft Manor. lmao
Nah! Maybe is the Bonus level! MAYBE!
But the one that is before you enter the caves, before you open the door and the wolves attack and kill the guide is NOT!
And Croft Manor NO too! -
I've finally bought it! This afternoon. It's so great. I'm going to Qualopec's Tomb now. I also have the Manor at half!
Playing it was so cool. I loved the T-Rex. I'm now a master at dodging, pole climbing, but wall running I still need to fix, when I go backwards. Like in the gym, there's one like that. And in Damocles room.
Well,b ut it could have been more than those. I thought, is an anniversary edition, maybe they will put all the outfits that came to ous by TR in these 11 years!
I love this forums. So well organized, great artwork! Great job, tombraidergirl!
I have a terrible bad news!
There will be only 10 outfits! I got this info from people who played it already and said the same!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Where are you? I think I can help you! I'm so spoiled I think I know the Peruvian levels whit my eyes closed!
I'm so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad for you! -
Some Atlantis cutscenes
Gething out of Tihocan's Tomb/Natla Technologies/<<-St. Francis Folly>>sorry for this last one! the creators wont shut up!
I found these German videos on YouTube(can someone unveil these later to the German version forum?)
Can someone also translate them?Battling Centaurs
The Scion complete/Natla's past unveiled
Killing Larson/Mr T/Skateboard Kid
Natla and Legless Mutant
The final BattleIn two final videos you will see some dodges and headshots!
Yeah it's that AoD outfit.
The 400 polygon Lara is the original lara(shape, size, format, etc...)Atlantean Lara(my mistake). Is Natla!
Bacon Lara is that one that imitates Lara in everything(it appeared in Atlantis or the Great Pyramid.
the top she was wearing is an outfit she wore in the original mansion(try to see original mansion screenshots)
With the Legend oufit she looks great!
No, it semas to me like TombRaider and TR fans need to go back to where it began to understand the present, the now! "And this time, things" are going to be different. Different graphics, different stuff, different all! All new(so if it's new it's different!)
those are called dodging! You dodge and everything gets blurred. Then two targets wil converge. When they do that, they will became red, it's when you have to shoot to perform a headshot(it goes straight to the brain/death).
Here are the unlockable characters!
Pierre: Confirmed unlockable character as said on wikiraider
Natla: Confirmed unlockable character
Larson: Confirmed unlockable character as said on wikiraider
Lara: duh, you play as her
Bacon Lara: Confirmed unlockable character
Kold??: highly not a unlockable character
Skateboard Kid: highly not a unlockable character
This one is pretty difficult! I only did 2 right from the thousand chances I got!
Didn't really got it, it has to be so fast I don't remember what I did! -
I loved it! What about you!!