Posts by Lady_Croft_01


    Originally posted by tombraidergirl
    Difficult. I'd say Bolivia Redux, if you do not consider that it was short. But at least this level was difficult all the time. [hehe]

    Kazakhstan was difficult because of it's length, Japan had some difficult jumps...

    But overall I found them all too easy.

    Yeh I suppose but it is when your in the room with the big gun and those guys have shields and thats quite difficult unlees you do a slow-motion jump but then you risk falling of the balcony in Kazakhstan


    Originally posted by MaskedRaider
    Nine levels in nine locations, (including croft manor) eight of which have a different Gold Reward. Which did you think was the hardest to find?:D

    My vote goes to Japan! :P

    Only joking! I thought that England gold reward was infuriating as if you missed one tile or pressed them out of order, you didn't get it. It took me ages to work out the tile's significance: i thought i had somehow managed to bypass that part of the level: i never kn ew they were reward-related until my fourth or fifth go at it!

    It's not so bad in England if you press the tiles on the way back (after you have faced the sea serpant)