... loads of annoying adverts for e books.
Posts by ostercy
Raiderfest is an Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider fan community event meant to celebrate fan tributes to the franchises through music. The contest will begin today and run until August 22, 2011.
I'll be a-judging along with some famouser people
More spam has appeared in the last day or two
Could someone who actually has the ability to do so ban some of the people spamming the Wiki and delete some of the pages?
There is another spam attack
<gratuitous spam>VOT6 [url]http://www.tokakeriby.co.uk[/url] ¡¡¡THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!!</gratuitous spam>
Just thought you'd like to know.
Yup, email is fine. (We don't really get entries any other way.) A previous story is fine. Good luck!
We now have the 5th Village Of Tokakeriby competition at http://www.tokakeriby.com/VOT5.htm if anybody is interested.
It didn't occur to me to ask if Harmoniad was a he or a she.
Sorry - I only just saw this. As it happened I wouldn't have been able to delay the entry date and I'm glad that you managed to enter despite the rush.
The results of the compeitition are posted at www.villageoftokakeriby.co.uk.
8 weeks to go
Calm is good
I'd offer to be a judge, but it would be fair since I'm a contest participant.
Thanks anyway Glad you're entering.
There seem to be a lot of pages about rock crushers being posted up again.
Sorry - I didn't realise I was deleting links you wanted to keep. I thought I was doing a useful job tidying up (!) I'll leave links to pages that aren't there alone in future. I can't really help with the missing pages about TR comics or the TR card game I'm afraid, but I'm sure someone else will.
OK, although there are some hot links to pages that will probably never be written (such as to "Rue Dominique"). But I'll leave all the "dead" hot links alone in future.
There's the Angel of Darkness entry, for example, but I also came across some rather weird ones - but I can't remember what they are. I'll post here if I find them again.
If there's a list like {{tr3baddies}} where do you go to edit it? I've been removing dead links and the lists contain some.
I've also put a note on some dead pages that ought to be removed as I can't delete them myself.
Someone ought to put an entry at Wiki Raider about this (and any other fan art) competition.
How is everybody's writing going?
By the way, I have 3-4 judges at the moment but I wouldn't mind a couple more. Anybody got any suggestions as to who I could/should ask?