QuoteTR1 mit Glidos
Ok, gerade gegoogled. Kannte ich noch nicht :oops: , werde ich mir demnächst mal anschauen. Danke für den Tip!
Meep, meep ...
QuoteTR1 mit Glidos
Ok, gerade gegoogled. Kannte ich noch nicht :oops: , werde ich mir demnächst mal anschauen. Danke für den Tip!
Meep, meep ...
Ich habe mit TR 1 angefangen als es rauskam, zuerst VGA, dann mit der Monster 3D (war das ein beeindruckender Unterschied!). Der Rechner existiert noch (nur wegen TR1); vor drei Jahren habe ich ihn tatsächlich aus dem Keller geholt und TR1 (mitsamt Erweiterung) nochmal durchgespielt. Mußte erst mal lange überlegen, wie man mit der Monster umging ...
Danach kamen alle weiteren Teile immer gleich beim Erscheinungsdatum; alle stehen noch mitsamt der Originalverpackung im Regal. Bloß nicht draufpusten!
TR waren und sind die einzigen Spiele, die ich mir sofort kaufe. Bei allen anderen warte ich normalerweise, bis sie bei eBäh nur noch ein Bruchteil kosten.
Zu den Schwierigkeiten, TR1 heute noch zum Laufen zu bekommen: Das müßte doch mit DOSbox unter XP (Vista habe ich nicht probiert, sowas benutze ich nicht ) problemlos laufen? Alle alten Sierras habe ich damit spielen können, und die sind ja teilweise viiiiel älter als TR1. Einfach mal nach DOSbox googlen.
Apropos Sierra: Mit Larry 1 war das erste PC-Spiel, das ich mir angeschafft habe (vorher gabs natürlich noch viele C64-Spiele). So alt bin ich schon ... :oops:
Wow, you're fast! Thank you.
It worked perfectly. Thanks again. Sometimes you don't see the forest for trees ...
I read some threads complaining about missing boss fights ... I find this one difficult enough:
How do you fight the 6 (?) thralls at the bottom of the spiral? They always re-animate because you have no time to stomp on them. I found no way to separate them. And you only have two medipacks at this time (no time to get the third).
Any ideas?
Thanks Coyote! Meep meep ...
That did the trick. Now the bridge is up!
Thank you, I've got it. It wasn't really hard, I should have looked better. And I'm sorry, next time I'll put these things in spoilers.
Unfortunately, even playing Thailand, Croft Manor, and the first part of Mexiko again didn't resolve the glitch (or whatever it is). I think I'll have to install again and start from scratch.
Since I now have most of the treasures and relics, could you pleeeeease upload a savegame for me? I really don't want to start all over again now.
Sad. But thanks for trying!
Since I'm doing Thailand again: Did you find a way to get the relic behind Thor's back? It's clearly visible from the bridge, but I can't find a way there ...
I've attached the savegame. I'd appreciate if you could do something about it ...
Unfortunately, I didn't save a game before this one since the start of Thailand, so at the moment I'm going all through Thailand again. Frustrating!
Problem is, the swing bars and the ledge are on the other side of the pit. I saw this in one of the official Eidos videos, but I can't get to it. I have to cross the first pit first.
I found a rudimentary walkthrough at an other site which doesn't mention the fist pit. It just says 'be ready for a ramp', implying that the ramp should be UP.
Might this be a program glitch? If so, do you by any chance have a savegame with the ramp up?
Thanks for your answer.
There seems to be a misunderstanding.
I already found the two missing items for the two Maya calenders. If you finish both calenders, the ball game space opens up and you have to rush into it, ending underground at a pit (cut scene with Lara braking her bike and nearly toppling into the pit.
This is the point where I'm stuck. Continuing (into the direction your bike shows after the cutscene), you end at a pit with some logs angling down. The sonar map shows these logs angling UP.
What should I do?
Oh, and could you please change the title of this thread again? It shoud read: Southern Mexiko - The Midgard Serpent.
Anybody already this far?
I finally got into the Maya underworld, but I'm stuck there.
In the first room, there is a switch with a figurine on either side. The right one has its head missing. I presume this is why I can't move the swirch.
Going on (with the bike), I end at a drawbridge which is down. The sonar map shows it up.
There is no chance to cross the abyss which the bridge should span, neither by bike nor on foot. In the rooms between the switch and the abyss I can't find anything useful.
I even played the timed sequence to enter the underworld again to see if the timing extends to this drawbridge. Unfortunately, it doesn't.
Any ideas?
Well, thanks to the movie and all your help, I finally did it, if only at the expense of many medipacks.
I'm not satisfied with it, so I'm going to do it again some time (after my fingers are healed).
Thank you very much. Awesome! It's too late for today, but I'll try to kill them tomorrow ...
Thank you, but unfortunately the link is broken ...
I think I need a movie here as well. Any chance?
Problem is I didn't learn how to do the adrenaline move before (I got past the T-Rex standing behind the right of the two spiked things where he couldn't reach me).
Thanks for the movie!
Now I realize I failed to turn the thing on the last column before the secret, closing the burners. I just couldn't connect the grapple because I forgot to use manual aim ...
I got the secret once without turning, but at the expense of three medipacks. Now (with the thing turned - thanks to your movie) I did it without any medipack and with time to spare.
Any chance to get a video for the secret time run?
Either I'm too late or dead ...