Posts by trinity_croft
In tr4, Hall of Demetrius, what do the broken glasses do?
I also agree that Lara shouldn't change again... I mean, her change is what we like about her, right? The whole entire idea of running around and hiding is not really my idea of fun. I much rather been shooting everybody. I hope they change the plot of the game or have some other game that is mostly tomb raiding again.
Now that I think about it, it's the only one I've really played a lot.
Thanx! I'll try it this weekend
My favorite is really trc because.. well, i don't know why.
how do you play the custom level that you made?
Thanx so much!
Does anybody have a tr III demo they can send to me?
thank you so much!
I didn't grab at all. Do I stand on the very left edge of the box facing the other box?
Can somebody tell me where I am supposed to stand on the hanging crate to get to the second rose of the level "The base" In tr5?