After a month I managed to find the time to play the Blood Ties DLC. Better late than never!
The DLC ran quite smoothly despite my doubts, my trusty lappy had enough power to run the game. Even with low graphics settings I did manage to enjoy the eerie athmosphere and also find the necessary pick ups. The game did not need zombies to be scary!
Providing more background information to reboot-Lara and her family was a nice addition and there were quite many "hints" to earlier TR games, which felt like a good gesture towards long-time fans. I also liked the way the Croft Manor was presented, it felt familiar but there also were completely "new" places.
I did have to take a look at a walktrough to be able to complete the DLC, I didn't pay enough attention to all the clues and items to be able to solve the puzzles myself! I just kept going back and forth around the manor and just taking a look at every possible corner.
I'm seriously thinking about being brave enough to play the Lara's Nightmare DLC... I hope there'd be the twin pistols with unlimited ammo and medipacks scattered everywhere. With those I might be able to complete it!
Wandering around the "reboot-mansion" left me with a very positive feeling and I also got a tiny bit of an idea out of it. It would be so cool if some day there was a new TR game with these excellent graphics and athmosphere where we got to play through a home invasion type of scenario!
Like in the style of the first TR movie and TRII... :chin