Posts by belfastlara

    Before I reach this level, and please don't laugh, is it going to be a problem for someone who is highly arachnophobic? I've heard she is like a spider?? :cry

    Why is my screen spinning? It stops when I forcefully hold down Lara's vision button (one on right hand side you use to make her look around) It's making me really dizzy and makes playing impossible. It was fine yesterday. Is it broken? :apfel

    This has to be the most frustrating of all the levels so far.

    Can I say to the person who can't get the pillars to appear - it happened to me and I had to go to the room beside the trap corridor and do that level again, even though I had the crystal to get them to appear. They appeared once for me, then vanished. :rulez

    That's exactly it - thanks to Nick for his walkthrough. It gave me the clue that I'd done things the wrong way round. Whatever you do, leave the room with the wheel until the very end. I think I did it somewhere else and the pillars then disappeared!! Went back, did that part again, and now the pillars are back. Phew! Now I can maybe get out of this level!! It's the worst!!! :flee

    Thanks Catracoth! I think I may have done the levels the wrong way around - so I've went back into the wheel room to see what happens if I complete that level again - even though I already have the crystal! :)

    :ouch: Hi please help I'm going nuts!!

    The four pillars that are supposed to appear towards the end of this level, haven't. Well, they did briefly a while ago after (I think) I put the fourth crystal into the wall. Now they've gone and I'm really really stuck. Can anyone advise. I can't move on and just keep falling through the trap doors into hell!!