im glad i didn't click one of the link's! or my computer would have been toasted! O.o
Posts by Amanda_Evert
have the same problem..after i get passed the burning croft mannor-it goes to theis thign that say's "TRU quit working, please stand by while we figure out what the problem is" and then after it does it's theing-it closes!-I WANNA PLAY TRU!
i missed you! welcome to TRG! :cat
- "i have no clue"
- "if you do (what ever it is i want you to do) that would be very much appreciated!"
- "what-ever"
there's probably more but that's the major one's i know! XD -
and to think i just noticed!
that make's sence-thank you!
thank you! now im not so TR scared! ROLF!-ha! hopefully i have no trouble's with that shark...
i saw something similar to that joke-it was inapropriet though so well just leave it at!
ok so when i became a mamber of this site-i made an account and it didn't go threw becuase of when my username was didn't fit the standerd's. so i was "ok-i'll just make another one." i made my account that u see now and when i go on sertian area's of this site, it goes to my old account name-though it wasn't exepted. tombraidergirl told be just to not mess with it and it will delet on it's own. but im not sure if it activate's it when it does that so im not sure if it will ever delet-or should i avoide logging off and going in those sertain area's so it CAN delet itself? what are your oppinion's? any advise? what should i do?
cool!-that IS an advantige that i will use MORE often! thnx!
MUCH help!
im glad to be here!-this site is cool! (and here's another site if you haven't been there allready!) ( (it' salso a Lara Croft site!)
hi! im Amanda_Evert-cassie and i just wanted to introduce myself to all! O.o and i have one do you delet and acount?-becuase i have two and i wan tot get ride of one i accadentaly made.
ok-so i just got TRU and im to the part where she' son the boat and has to go into the Ocean to find Avalon-i think... and there's a big fishy (i suppose a Shark) and im really hopeing it's easy to kill!-and how do you kill it? so if any of you have gotten past that part-it would be very much appreciated if you could help me! thnx!