okay, this summer, you will see some early screenshots of the game. And I have a trailer already made. So I will give you guys a first look at the early screenshots of the game, just a few.
Posts by laracroft2009
Sorry, things have been so quiet, I've got other forums to update as well. Anyway here is an update. With screenshots and trailers being released next winter, I thought that it would be nice if we started getting some questions about the game if you guys have any questions. Please e-mail me with "The Trail of the Unknown" in the subject line, or just PM me. I will put it on a list with answers and I will update it as much as I can.
And not everything will be new in the game. But we will have some new baddies and new puzzles.
Hey, there
I have released some concept art on this page. http://tombraiderfans.20m.com/pics%20/TRLEproject.html Check there for the updates on the game. Also, if you like to joing please e-mail me at dkrsherwood@hotmail.com, Thanks.
Hey there,
I've started building the first level of the game called Trail of the Unknown. We still need more people who are not busy, and that would like to help out. Just e-mail or PM me and tell me what you would like to do. I will give the story out along with a trailer and a few screenshots out as well.
Sorry guys, but I wanted my TRLE skills to get better before I post screenshots of my upcoming level set, The Dukes of Hazzard. Here are some screenshots of the first couple levels. I'm currently working on the fourth one as well. I will post a link to it from my fourms on this once I've uploaded all the pics there.
Try downloading it from http://www.trle.net.
Okay, then. Since they are moving on then I guess that Kurtis is dead. Because the AoD story has moved on. So Kurtis is dead now. We won't be seeing hime anymore. Kurtis will not be in Tomb Raider: Legend.
I'm very very busy and I do not come on the internet alot to chat in the fourms. I feel that the story is not finished, but who cares what I think. They should have gave it a shot at it. Like I said before I may stop playing Tomb Raider after Tomb Raider Legend is released. I have an idea why don't they make Legened the sixth game in the series and completly romove AoD from it, since they are going to act like it nevered happened.
I read on planetlara.com in the fourms that the AoD Triogly was dumped and I wanted to know what you guys though about it. I personally hate it. I may not want to play Tomb Raider agian after Tomb Raider: Legend but I will follow it and I will update my site on the new games, but I may not play any more Tomb Raider games after TR7 because well they are throwing out the AoD triogly and that is not right. You can tell I'm upset about all this.
Okay, I will. Thanks.
Hey!!! I like the movies. Anyway, I did not heard about Resident Evil UNTIL THE SECOND MOVIE CAME OUT!!!!!!!!! I'm one busy person, so I don't have time to play games or sometime custom levels. I got Resident Evil X after I saw the second film. So the films are good for people who never heard about the game.
I have the Emperor's Tomb on PC, but I'm thinking of selling it and getting the PS2 Version of it instead are the two Indy games good???
I never heard of Resident Evil until the Second movie came out. I'm playing Resident Evil X and I'm still at the beginnig, I always die. I have a PC, Playstation, and PS2. So and maybe another PS2 for my brother. I'm also thinking about saving my money to get PS3. But anyway, I have like a total of 5 games, to finish. Lagecy of the Gods Bounus Pack 1 and 2, Resident Evil X, Prince of Persia, and Dark Angel, 6 if I count Angel of Darkness (I'm replaying it for the sixth time now.) So I'm going to be busey for the next few years. 7, Counting Crane's level.
I'm still playing Prince of Perisa and I'm stuck. But at the moment I'm playing Dark Angel and Resident Evil X. Plus I'm playing Lagecy of the Gods Bonus Pack 1 then I'll play Bonus pack 2 and I'm also playing Crane's first level, and well I'm testing my personal level. I have a lot of things to do. But I like to stay busey.
Can you give me his e-mail address to me???? Like I said, I'll try again when I get home.
I'll try again, when I'm home. But I took it add one then I times it by 1024 and then I did the scienific mode got it then I made the script changes but it will not work. I'll try again.
Yes, I did. I will try again once I get home. I did all the steps the mannual told me to do. I really really want to do this in my personal level. I love the mirrior effect.
I know. Adobe Photoshop CS.
@ Werner v. Croy try your junk folder. the subjact is Crane's custome level.
@ Nick what do you mean the Data file does not work???? What is the problem???? -
I know. Like I said I did everything the mannual told me to. Its says that I need to run DOS command or something, page 74 in the Mannual. Nick have you done a mirrior before???