Posts by seashell77

    that I'm not missing something. There is no block as in the picture you posted - instead of the block being there, there is a sloping walkway, which, when she slides down the walkway, she just disappears, then the screen changes to show a pic of her grave with "mourners" standing in the rain (or snow) staring at it. :( Guess this is where the game ends - totally stinks!! This demo was a total waste of time downloading - don't know why they even have it on the site - doesn't even have a complete level or two to finish - I wouldn't recommend anyone downloading it - takes almost an hour (in my computer anyway), but yet, there's not even a complete level to finish.

    Anyway, thanks VERY much for your help - you have certainly proven that I am not losing my mind trying to find this block - 'cause there isn't any there - just the walkway.

    You have been a HUGE help - thanks so much again!! I deleted the demo from my computer - not going to waste my time anymore with it - just taking up space and not worth keeping on my hard drive. Thanks again, TRgirl - you have certainly solved the mystery! Way to go! :-D

    I greatly appreciate your help. I'm still stuck at this entrance to the room below the ledge where she reached safety after the floor collapsed - just don't know where to go from here.

    Did you get my 'savegame' that I emailed to you? If so, any ideas on how to get out of here? First of all, I should ask if it works or if I sent the right file. Let me know? Thanks again. :D


    I appreciate your suggestion to buy the full versions of the games. Of course, even the full versions have their "bugs", so demo or full version of the game, it really doesn't matter. The game that I got free with the purchase of the Ray-O-Vac batteries is a full version game - has all 17 (or 18 - forget which) levels of the game and didn't have any trouble with it at all. This game (Chronicles) has been copied onto a CD, but I hardly think that even a demo game would only let me start the game and not even be able to finish the level - doesn't sound right to me. Even a demo game would have at least a few levels for you to play. Either this is a "bug" in the game or I'm doing something wrong - don't know which, but I've spent many hours trying to figure out how to get out of this room below the ledge where Lara went after the floor collapsed. From here, I have been unable to continue the game - don't know where to go from here. :ouch:


    The only way you can "undo" this is to go back to the previous savegame if you have saved the game previous to the moving spikes. If not, then the only other thing you can do is to start the level over, though there is more than one place in the level where there are moving spiked walls - not sure which one you're in.


    I know where you are - in the Opera House, right?. I played this game not too long ago, but it's been at least a month or longer since I completed this game, so my memory isn't too great as to where all three circuits are located. I do remember that you have to swim through a tunnel that is located to the left of the stage if you are facing the stage from the other side of the pool in front of it. You have to swim to a ledge where you come up for air, then climb onto the ledge and get the circuit. I believe another circuit is located on the other side of the stage in the backstage area where you have to climb up where the swinging crates are. There is something on the crevice across from the ledge nearest the door. You jump across to the crevice from the ledge (after you have avoided all the swinging crates), then pull yourself up and grab the item, though can't remember if this is a circuit. If you found a circuit in a glass panel, just shoot out the glass panel with your pistols and get it. Hope this helps. If I've confused you or anything, I'm sorry - just been a little while since I've played this, but I hope I've been of some help to you.


    I know where you are. I played this game not too long ago, but it's been at least a month or longer since I completed this game, so my memory isn't too great as to where all three circuits are located. I do remember that you have to swim through a tunnel that is located to the left of the stage if you are facing the stage from the other side of the pool in front of it. You have to swim to a ledge where you come up for air, then climb onto the ledge and get the circuit. I believe another circuit is located on the other side of the stage in the backstage area where you have to climb up where the swinging crates are. There is something on the crevice across from the ledge nearest the door. You jump across to the crevice from the ledge (after you have avoided all the swinging crates), then pull yourself up and grab the item, though can't remember if this is a circuit. If you found a circuit in a glass panel, just shoot out the glass panel with your pistols and get it. Hope this helps. If I've confused you or anything, I'm sorry - just been a little while since I've played this, but I hope I've been of some help to you.

    Hi again, TRgirl.

    Thanks for all your speedy replies. :D

    First of all, this demo was copied onto a CD from the net. A friend of our family that goes to our church is well-experienced with computers - works on them and uses them for a living. He is very knowledgeable about all aspects of computers - inside and out. He guided me thru the problem I had with installing it and getting it to run on my computer. Second, I found where to view the save game files on my hard drive and have noticed that there are two labeled "save game": savegame .0 and savegame .01. There are other files listed as tomb0001, tomb0002, etc., which I believe these to be the "empty slots" in the game in which to save the games. The previous TR game I played (TRII) was also a demo that I got free with the purchase of a pack of Ray-O-Vac batteries. I had no trouble with that game and got right to the very end of it and completed it.
    I hardly think that this game, soon after the start of it, I would be at the end of it already, meaning as far as the demo will take me. As I said, the last TR game I played - TRII - was also a demo, but had all levels included on it. Another strange thing about this game I noticed is that it skipped the first two levels and starts at The Colosseum. Could this be a bug by any chance? Thanks for your help - sorry for the long-winded post.

    Hi TRgirl.

    Sorry if I sound like I'm a little short on brains here - lol. but I don't see how I can send you my save game. I've sent emails with attachments many times, but this may be a bit different. First of all, this game is a demo copied onto a CD - doesn't install on my PC automatically - had to copy it onto my hard drive, even though the disc is in my DVD player. I had trouble getting it to run so I could play it, but I got it to run. I have WinXP, but even though many people say that TR doesn't run on WinXP, it DOES. Anyway, I have three files that I see on my computer for TR: trpcdemo.exe, PCTOMB5.EXE and SCRIPT.DAT. Not sure which one you need or if any one of these has the save game on it. If there is another simpler way to actually send the save game ONLY and not the whole game, please let me know? Thanks.

    Thanks, TRgurl. :D

    I appreciate your help very much! I've been so fustrated with this part in the game - fiddled with it, tried all kinds of things to get past this segment of the game, but just wind up at a dead end. I even went "back" to my last save game BEFORE this happens, getting the gemstone piece on the pedestal, getting the rose and "goodies, etc. I did this purposely to see if I took a wrong turn or made a wrong move somewhere, but as I see it, I did everything right, but when I get to the room under the ledge, I am at a total loss as to where to go from here. I'll be more than happy to send you my save game - hope you can solve this dilemma of mine - I'll be very grateful to you. :D It may take me some time to send the save game to you 'cause I've never done this before. Please be patient - I'll send it to you ASAP. Thanks so much again for your willingness to help me. You're very kind! BTW, Tomb Raider is my most favorite game - have been addicted to it since it was introduced to the Sega Saturn video game system. :D The only other game I enjoy playing is "Alice" by American McGee. Great game - hope you get to check it out (yes, it's also a PC game on CD-ROM).

    I've completed the whole TR2 game and I know right where you are.

    May I suggest that once you reach the cave with the snowmobile, slow down and turn the snowmobile around and slowly go to the edge of the cave. Turn it around to face the inside of the cave. From here, you should be able to get a good, running start to jump it. From the opening of the cave, start the snowmobile going and use the "action" key to accelerate the snowmobile to go faster, making sure you use the arrow keys, particularly the "up" arrow once you are facing the gap. It's been a little while since I played the game and at the Foothills. Hope this bit of info helps you.

    Hi TombRaidergurl. :D

    Well, the best way for me to describe where I am is after I find the golden rose and the three "goodies" in the room with the rose, I then go to the area where I place the gemstone in the dial or wheel at the opposite end of where I enter. After I place the gemstone in the dial, the floor rumbles and shakes, then begins to fall apart. I turn around and quickly run to the platform at the opposite end of the gemstone wheel. From here, I place Lara against the wall, facing the other end where the dial was. I run and jump, reaching the crevice where the gemstone dial once was. After here, I face the wall, then jump back and grab the edge of the wall, then shimmy to the left all the way. When I reach the end, I drop down to the ledge below. After here, I enter a room (below the platform that Lara reached after the floor crumbled away) where there is a sloping walkway of brick or stone. The room has nothing in it but this sloping walkway. When Lara goes down this walkway, she just "dies" and the game returns to where she enters this room again (I saved it here, which is why it returns here). If I could make a screenshot of where I am, I'd certainly show u - better to show a screenshot then describe it and get everyone lost - :( I haven't met Pierre yet, but yes, I have found the rose, along with the three "goodies" with the rose.

    Hello. :D

    Thanks for your nice welcome and reply and for your help.

    I have already reached the room below the platform where she has to go to reach safety from the falling floor. I have already gone thru the sequence of shimmying left and dropping to the ledge below. I am now in this room where I cannot find a way out. All the walkthrus say to enter this room, then climb onto a block, then jump up and grab a ledge and pull up. I don't see any block or ledge in this room below that platform. All I see is a sloping walkway where Lara just dies when she reaches the end. I have tried vaulting forward as I slide down the walkway to grab a ledge, but as I said, I don't see any ledge or block to where she needs to get out of here. I'm lost - :ouch:

    I am totally stuck in the room below the ledge where the floor crumbled into the lava after she places the stone into the dial or wheel. Every walkthru I went to says for her to enter the room, then climb onto a block or platform, then pull up and break out the pistols. Trouble is, there is NO platform or block - just a sloping walkway where, if she steps off the first square of the walkway, she slides, then dies and I am brought back to the room again. I see NO ledge where she can climb to in this room. I have tried vaulting down the walkway for her to grab a ledge (though don't see any over this sloping walkway), but all she does is fall into "nothing", then I'm returned to the room again (I saved the game at this point). Where is the platform or block that she needs to get out of here? I don't see it. The platform from where she got to safety from the falling floor, I cannot jump back up there, if this is the platform she is to climb onto, but according to the walkthrus, there is supposed to be a platform or block in the room. Well, I just don't see it. Keep in mind that I have the demo game. Thanks.