hey guys,
Well i haven't been on here for a very long time and i'm just having a look around .. don't see much changes though other then the people. XD only really rec. DA and thats about it T_T
well only a fast hi an catch up
catch u around
hey guys,
Well i haven't been on here for a very long time and i'm just having a look around .. don't see much changes though other then the people. XD only really rec. DA and thats about it T_T
well only a fast hi an catch up
catch u around
would be
1. English
2. Russain
3. German
4. French
5. japanse
well it isn't because u have loads of secerts an hiden stuff to find!
i didn't know where to put this but wow i finshed the game in 2 days!
it took me under 9 hours .. just finshed it now ...
*breath less*
you have to go inside the building an climb up the ladder inside then jump across the gap
sounds like alot of trouble with playing on the pc.
i'm just bout to go out an get my lovely game
QuoteOriginally posted by snake
i already have it hehe lol
it comes out on the 7th
ah yes in German a few months ago we was talking bout it, luckly i would be in the Gymnasium. (i'm a boff muwhahah)
are systems are.. just secondary school, everyone of all abilties go there and they put you in the groups your capabile of.
Most secondary schools have around 2,000 pupils.
Unless you are rich you can pay for a private school, which could cost around £2,000 a year.
Ah yes, there is only one day to go for tomb raider - legend!
i'm already been having butterflies all week!
just manged to get my dad to give me £10 so i can buy the game!
i'll do scans off the lil booklet given with the game !
last night i saw my first tombraider - legend advert on t.v,
i was sadly disappointed by it, all they did was have lara standin there and zomed into her face an then 5 box covers of the zomed in part came up (for ps2,pc, xbox, xbox 360 an psp)
have any of you seen it, an what did u think bout the advert ?
there has been a change in controls, because a new company has taken over.
i played it on ps2 and i think the controls have improved alot.
i think many people think the controls are better now then before because it wasn't so ... slow, le.g on aod u'll press jump but she doesn't jump, or she trys to jump while shes falling, (yeah, cos thats a good idea)
i wrote more but my pc shut down an i forgot what i writen now ... damn p.c
ah well, i didn't see that, anywayz i got my demo b4 most people did..
tomb raider the officail site has just update on the english flag!
the new demo is avaible wivout needing to login to or register to the site
well theres alot of unlockables an u can go back to croft manner anytime
yeah it was 100 if i remember ritely so...
only people that could get there was aloud to put there name fowards an see if they get lucky!
well it has been told by many mags that the puzzles r alot easyer now
ur not aloud to advertise ur website, anyhow... very nicely done
QuoteOriginally posted by snake
lol not at all, but now i have full faith in this game and i know it is going to be very special
yeah but the puzzles r way to easy <_<
well yeah, thats the only reason ..'we' celebrate it