Posts by Will4389

    Argh not been on in soo long, anyhow, kinda overwhelmed with were to post this but i think im posting in the right thread : /

    Anyhow, just wondering if anyone has heard about this glitch(is what i can assume it is). I didn't get the relic at the end of this level(mountain caves) on the first run through, and then i got the second relic, cant remember what level you get it in, one of the levels after mountain caves, but yup anyhow i missed out getting the first relic. Although when i was doing a re-run of the level to get the relic, its not were it should be, it's just not there. Also with this relic you're supposed to unlock the legend outfit, the second relic i got(another level in peru) unlocked the legend outfit which is strange.

    Sorry i hope i kinda explained this ok, to sum up- i missed getting the 1st relic from the mountain caves on my first run through, but when i replayed the level the relic isnt there. The first relic i found was in one of the later peru levels, whatever you unlock with the mountain caves relic was unlocked by the first relic i found which was in a later peru level.

    Anyone got any ideas, aand im not too fond on restarting the whole game over on a different save.

    lol they did rush the beginning..But on the topic of remakes, sometimes they can be good, like the texas chainsaw massacre, the original was of such poor quality..But then theres remakes like king kong :roll: , it kinda got a bit stupid when it got to 3 hours and they were still on the island, i just wanted the big ape to die. Then theres the fact there is not 1 real piece of scenery in tht film.

    Didn't aod reach the platinum range of ps2? Doesn't that mean that it has sold more than 1 million copies(in europe alone), Legends has sold 2million(probably a bit more now)worldwide, but the fact is that legends was released on most consoles suggesting it got it sales spread evenly, aod sold 1million just on ps2, so it would have sold more on other consoles, so to be fair, against the comment above aod was quite succesful in its sales..

    Has anyone seen the new omen film. I went to see it over the weekend, it's ok. Just ok, it's basically exactly the same as the original but i thought the original is better. Anywho just wanted to see if anyone had seen the new film

    Although i couldn't imagine a game based on it. Couldn't see how it would work, they would need to pan out short action scenes, which would ruin the whole idea..

    To be fair though, the sex in SA was pointless, you could choose what position you could do your girlfriend in lol..Although the media blaming computer games for things is just weak, they don't take into consideration their background, it's usually metal and computer games are the spawn of evil..

    Yeah which is a shame cos the company are now struggling, although they are releasing gun for psp, with extras, like extended missions and stuff like that.

    From the comment about emma dying, i was more gutted i'd dragged her round the whole shell and we were nearly there then she dies, rather than sad she so disapointing, i though i'd shot her at first..