I agree with a lot your points. I doubt I'll buy it right away, but when I do play it, I hope it isn't too gory. It also kinda looks like the Uncharted games?
Posts by ButterYum
Aman! I watched it the other day on the telly! Such a good movie!
I own it for my computer as well, but when I saw that I could download it from the psp store online I totally had to! The sceen is bit small but it's pretty darn awesome to just whip out my psp and play TR4
I downloaded TR4 For the psp and I am at the part where she has to swing across on the rope to get to the secret up high. Level 3. With the spinning razors of doom. Anyhoo I remember there being Uzi's in that secert, however I found a Shotgun in it's place. This makes me sad? Am I still missng the Uzi's or am I just blind and don't see them anywhere?
Watching The Two Towers again, the extended edition. Good movie, good movie.
I do that too Tombraider girl, usually have two going at once. I'm reading Eggs by Jerry Spengli. It reallly good. Bout these two kids that don't get along, but they do... oyeee and funny! I would DEFINTALY suggest it to everyone.
Did you expect anything else ?????
I watched The Halfblood Prince on dvd . Was quite good if I may say so myself !You know, I didn't.... I saw it with my mother and sister. They wanted me to go. It's sad because I was expecting a poorly mad movie and it was even worse! The only cool part was when the werewolfs where chasing the one evil chick. I really liked the music.
Saw Julie and Julia the other day. I was VERY disapointed becuase Julie never meets Julia Child, and Julia Child doesn't even like Julie! SO WHY MAKE THE MOVIE?!
Questy, would you suggest I watch that movie? I thought it looked interesting.
anyone see the New Moon Movie? I though it was... ah meh...
that would for sure scare bulgars away! !!!
Tenacious Tomb Thinker
indeed, indeed. We know Rhona can act because she has been in films of differant kinds ya.
OH WHAT?! idk, i disagree strongly. Her boobs weren't even the same size in some pictures!
Sword in the Stone
Rhona hands down!!! she was a model for the game, so i see it as NO ONES ELSE COULD BE MORE PERFECT!!! Rhona IS lara croft ya
Young Lara on a Yacht :cat
haha sounds good. I think i would be worth revisiting. It is for sure on my top games list.
my wonderful boyfriend bought it for me for the psp, it rocks i do believe, although the grahpics, it thought, were a bit off and odd.
I watched The Recurers Down Under Why do the villians in the Recurers have the oddest vehicles.?
Al's movie is a load of bs.