Very nice find. Thanks for the reply. That really stinks, though. I wonder why they would do that? I nice config file in the Legend directory would have been much better.
Posts by Famous
Where is the config file stored? I don't see it in the game directory or the Legend directory in My Documents. I copied the saved games over, which works fine, but I also want to copy my control layout.
I used to play on my laptop, but now I want to play on my desktop instead(wife has the laptop).
Is there a way to control the point of view on the motorcycle? It is very difficult to see where I am going! I tried to start a "motorcycle" thread, but I could not.
I had given up after AOD, there was so much wrong with that game.
Now you guys have convinced me to try Legend.
Famous goes off to buy Legend. . .
My best method is to get pretty close to a blue light without getting too close because it will change to another statue. Then crouch and try to stun the ghost. Then hop over to get the painting.
While the bad guy is stunned, you don't have to back into the statue with the blue light. I stunned him and ran over (forward) to the blue light and grabbed it. If you have full health, you can stand one hit by the bad guy. Then I just squatted and crawled out of the room. Someone else can confirm if this works for them or not.
Funny thing happened after that. After running down the stairs, there was no water at the bottom. But I was still wading around, and I wondered why I was walking funny. Then my computer froze. When I came back into my last saved game, the water was there that time.
Original von tombraidergirl
That's exactly what it means.
O.k., I can deal with that. Thanks again!
Why does it show me the notebook at the beginning of a level in the lower right corner of the screen, such as the Louvre Storm Drains? Does that mean there is new information in the notebook for me to read or something? Just curious. . .
Yes, what I meant was, sprint and look used to be different buttons.
Works great for me!
Thanks! I had no idea it was the same as sprint. It was a different key in previous versions. . .
What is the default key? I do not see it on the key mapping menu.
Original von Beth
Is there a "camera" mod with PC?? I have seen this with PS2, but I can't seem to find in with PC.
Yes, I would like to know how to do this also. There was a "look" key in the previous versions, but I don't see one in AOD.
Very nice of you to look it up for me. Yes, I've already done it, but now I have to keep my sound card accelleration turned off all the time, or change it each time I run AOD. Sheesh!
Anyway, I'm sure I"ll give it another try but I don't like the new controls. And I can't find any way to make Lara sidestep like in the previous versions. Like when I would hold down the walk key and press left, she would sidestep to the left.
Well, I bought the game, but I must say that I am disappointed. The control really stinks. I hope the sprint mode will work later in the game, because it does nothing now.
And Lara talks like a chipmunk. I turned my sound driver's accelleration off and it is better, but there are still sound problems. I have the latest sound driver, and it is Directx 9 certified. . .
This sucks. Makes me wish I hadn't bought the game. It is so lousy, I don't even know if I'll finish it.
Yes, there is another place in the getaway level where I had to do it, too. Its amazing that I got that far without having to do that move.
I really think the last couple of levels in the game have been poorly designed (although I'm not quite finished yet). They seem to be designed in order to make the player take the maximum amount of time, rather than having fun. Like having to go through those stupid invisible laser things twice. Sheesh!
I've been holding out on buying AOD for PC because of all the bugs I've read about. I have noticed at least one patch. Does this game play well now, or is it still buggy?
I'm sure I'll get it one day either way, but I don't want to pay my money for a buggy game. They should fix the problems. I would just like to know the current status.
Thanks. I'll try it.