ok-so i just got TRU and im to the part where she' son the boat and has to go into the Ocean to find Avalon-i think... and there's a big fishy (i suppose a Shark) and im really hopeing it's easy to kill!-and how do you kill it? so if any of you have gotten past that part-it would be very much appreciated if you could help me! thnx!
Mediterranean Sea: Path to Avalon
Just pull out your guns and fire away! A new feature in Underworld is that you can shoot underwater. You can select either the speargun or Lara's dual handguns to kill the sharks.
cool!-that IS an advantige that i will use MORE often! thnx!
Yeah, it's one of the more popular features of Underworld. Glad I could be of assistance, .
thank you! now im not so TR scared! ROLF!-ha! hopefully i have no trouble's with that shark...
You maybe able to fire the guns underwater but the harpoon is a much easier weapon to use because underwater the bullets of the pistols don't go as far as the harpoon. Plus the harpoon takes less shots to kill the sharks than the pistols. :shark
that make's sence-thank you!
I renamed the thread for the sake of our means of organization, .
and to think i just noticed!