Opera House

  • Which door?
    There is a trapdoor which you have to open and then jump into from above. (Get there from the room on the right)

    Or there will be one after you went up to the roof again and have used the relay

  • Quote

    Original von Anonymous

    help me i can't find the door on the stage........Operahouse..TRII.......HELP!!!!

    wich door ?? are U in the rome of the opera???

  • In the last period of Operahouse, there where you go to the baddy and you have to avoid a swinging sandbag. I've tried it but I fell down. :-? Now I can't go back up there because a part of the floor (1st floor) has disappeared... :ouch: !!!!! What do I have to do?? Do I need to kill myself and start whole over again....????? :( Please help me!!!!!!

    :sun: SEPPE :sun:

  • I'm sorry, I forgot to use the switch... :-?
    But now I'm on the offshore rig, please read my other topic called 'offshore rig, TRII' please help me with that....


  • Hi I need help... we are stuck in "The Opera House" at the end of the level near the swinging sandbags of death and everytime we press the switch, it does nothing but open and close the trapdoor to the water which does nothing, could someone who knows what to do please get back to us. Thankyou

  • At the end of this level Lararuns past a swinging sand bag,then is supposed to go into a room full of crates(this is the last scene).
    I have got her past the sand bag but have then come up against an off-white wall and cannot go any further.
    Is there a switch somewhere that I`ve missed?

    How do you get pictures on the walkthroughs?


  • There was a switch for that, I don't remember which one it was, but have you done everything behind the stage? There was a tiny chamber behind a movable crate.