Boaz Returns

  • OK,OK!!!! i get the piont! Useally when someone gets married the woman recives the males surname and yeah i suppose it does sound fact think ill keep Lara Croft as Lara Croft and Kurtis Trent as Kurtis Trent! (But that dosnt mean they wont go out with each other!! ;) )

    It's not the men that have the hard lives, it's the women who look after the artifacts!

  • OMG! I don't understand how u people are beating that chick! Sheesh... I want to beat this level and know the ending but for god sake that bug just will not be squashed. SHe's like immortal or has decided to keep living just to bug (no pun intended) the hell out of me/us etc. I've tried for hours but keep dying. :ouch: :o :ouch: Ugh. Help. -_-
    If any one has some hints please please <gets down on knees> E-mail me at laracroft893@yahoo Please?

    Oh and I did try some other suggestions on this forum. Except that ya know I just can't seem to beat Boaz period soooo ^_^


  • O.k look at aoD-Boaz the spider creature the LAST post is MINE(hopefully) well if it isn't just look for sherry. READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's not the men that have the hard lives, it's the women who look after the artifacts!

  • I'll say it again!!!!!!-
    IT DOSN'T matter if you have PC or PS2. Just......
    shoot at her head FOUR times
    then shoot at the FRONT LEFT flap four or five or six times
    then shoot at her HEAD AGAIN FOUR times
    then shoot at her RIGHT FRONT flap 4-6 times
    then shoot at her HEAD AGAIN!
    Then shoot her LEFT BACK flap


    Then shoot at her HEAD AGAIN!!!
    Then press ROLL and shoot at her RIGHT BACK flap.
    once this has been done a cut-scene will show.
    NOW just SIMPLY SHOOT AT THE b****!!!!!!!!!!
    There done!
    And if all your complaing at not having enough ammo well you WILL. you just have to think CAREFULLY.
    (I'M a 14 year girl and i maneged to do this first time! )
    From the previous two levels you should have plenty of ammo
    (If not go back and DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!)
    If you run out of ammo run around the arena area onec or twice
    Once you've got enough space pick up the ammo.

    It's not the men that have the hard lives, it's the women who look after the artifacts!

  • And it's funny how it all works like that. Personally, I find nothing in life very simple. Especially when studying for the driver's test. Ugh. ^_^ But I suppose if I keep trying enough something will work! One day! :-o
    :roll: ^_^

    Well thanxs anyhow. ^_^ lol

    Dice the Ace of All Spades

  • seriously i didn't mean to shout, but keep trying i have said it in apost before you have to be very careful with ammo and stuff. JUST KEEP TRYING-YOU WILL GET!!!! :sun:

    It's not the men that have the hard lives, it's the women who look after the artifacts!

  • Hi iam stuck too on the boaz .the first two are really easy.iam playing it on pc.i just cant get the last two,when you aim at her and try to shoot out the last two,it just wont seems he is still shooting at the two front ones please help.if i dont kill her iam going to throw this game out the door.

  • hey well thanks to that little kid i got her. but i have never been so disapointed in a tomb raiders game before.this one really suck .i hope the new one is better.

  • I totally agree i do hope that TombRaider7 is going to be the best. Its the graphics that really botherd me. The graphics are good compared to the previous games but are rubbish compared to other games to date. The new game should have graphics put to date, no bugs and then its my favourate again. 8)

  • This level was pretty difficult with Boaz and the sipder creature the trick is to press the square button and just keep firirng, then she will just slowly fall to the floor and then for mosquito Boaz just keep firing and when she is on the floor go close to her. This site really helped a lot with this level good luck.

  • But honestly, people did get it after a few tries and you can't say there has not been one part of TombRaider ,in previous games where you have not had to restart, and try again right??
    i mean all of the games, there have been parts where i've had to restart but you dont go around dissing Lara do you? why should it be the same with Kurtis?? o.k he was slow but people are only shouting at him cause he's a new character and people have got the idea that suddenly him and Lara will get it together. i dont think they will. They're just good friends. And be honest this is the only reason why people hate kurtis-cause he has "invaded" the single woman adventurerer game. so what??? lara can do with a bit of fun once in a while.
    (plus he's got a sexy voice :P -for a computer generated character of course :wink: )