Welcome to the help forum for Tomb Raider Underworld.
Help for a certain level
Levels, that already have their own topic (Please use these threads, instead of creating new ones!)
Problems with another level
If you have problems with another level, which does not have its own thread yet, and only then, open a new one. When doing so, please stick to the following simple rules.
technical problems
Please also refrain from using imageshack or the likes for your screenshots. Use the cool upload function the forum provides instead.
Help for a certain level
Levels, that already have their own topic (Please use these threads, instead of creating new ones!)
Problems with another level
If you have problems with another level, which does not have its own thread yet, and only then, open a new one. When doing so, please stick to the following simple rules.
- Use a thread title that makes sense. It should be the level name.
- State where you are within the level. (e.g. in a little cavern with a locked door and two pressure pads on the ground)
- State which items you've collected / which levers you have pulled...
- State your problem clearly. (e.g. "the door ... is locked", "I cannot make the jump"...)
technical problems
Please also refrain from using imageshack or the likes for your screenshots. Use the cool upload function the forum provides instead.