Ghost's [Interested?]

  • Ha-Ha! Kay! :)
    Yeah i've had a couple of encounters! One was when i was @ my dad's and i saw this little girl [she was a see-threw blue] standing in-front of my bed. I freaked out, and went straight to sleep: it was @ night. Then the next day i saw her again but over at my sis' bed. I wanted to make sure it wasn't her, so i looked over at my sisters bed, my sister was DEAD asleep and i looked over at the girl again and did wat i did the last night: pull the blankets over my head and went to sleep!

    I honestly can't believe i didn't scream. It was sudden and knowing that i've heard stuff @ night, i think that's why i wasn't freaked-to the point where i screamed. I wanted to talk to her, but i didn't have the cur-rage to!

    I've had more: If you want' to know just ask! :)

  • So, if it wasn't a dream, do you have any proof such as a photograph or a clip taken with your cell-phone ? You did say the ghost has made more than one appearance. Maybe this spectre is somehow linked to your house. ( i.e. Poltergeist......) Do you live in an older house ? If so, check out it's history.

  • So. you want to see more of your ghost? Aren't ghosts meant to be scary? :shock:
    Just out of curiosity, does your visitor appear at certain times ? Just don't tell me only at midnight !!!!!!!!
    And is it always the same apparition or are there different ones ? I know, I want to know a lot. But there are lots of questions that relates to that sort of supernatural occurances. Like does the ghost make the temperature in your room drop, or is there a smell emanating from the spectre ?
    Well, think about it.
    Let me know........ :-)

  • The time i saw her the first time was around 2:45 in the morning. I've only seen her 2 times. I dont live @ my dad's now so i dont know much about it or even if she's still there.
    I've noticed no smells or temp. changes.
    & yes, i'd like 2 help them, but as long as they dont try to harm me.

    I'm into the whole Paranormal stuff. lol & they have a dendancy to attract me and me to them for some odd reason,lol.

  • The time i saw her the first time was around 2:45 in the morning.

    What are you up to at that late ( or early ) hour ? [hehe]
    Are you the only person to see the ghosts at your dad's house or does he see them as well ?
    Did you even tell your dad about it ?
    Since you are into this paranormal " stuff " ( as you call it ) you surely like shows such as Supernatural and The X-Files. I know I love them !
    Besides ghosts, do you believe in any other extraordinary activities ?

  • LOl, well i woke up @ 2:45 a.m., i wasn't really UP! lol
    Yes, im the only person-no-one else see's anything, i have told my dad: but he doesn't belive me. nor does my mom.
    yes, i watch Paranormal State, Ghost hunters/ Ghost hunters international.
    and yes, i belive in other things as well like demons and angels!

  • Must be a little awkward to be the only one seeing. What did your parents say when you told them about you seeing ghosts ?
    My mum does believe in the paranormal, but she also admits to never have seen ghosts or the like. Neither have I. What I did see though ( and I wasn't the only one thank god ) was a massive ball of very bright light flying soundlessly across our township at a moderate speed. At a hight of less than a 1000 ft. Happened around x-mas 4 years ago ( or was it 5 ? ) Nobody has an explanation as to what that thing was. :think:
    So it is just another unexplained phenomena. There are quite a few of them around here. So feel free to visit. :-)

  • So, do you think there actually is an other side like life after death ? What you are saying is that what we see as life is actually just a transition into a higher state of existence. :think: Well I certainly can live with that. :-)

  • hat you stay on Earth and say 'hi' to some other live

    you could also say boo.............. [hehe]

    I take it that you are a religious person ? Since you do believe in angels and demons and heaven and hell . I'm a catholic myself. But I must confess that I am not a regular church-goer. :shhh
    Anyway, when you go outside at night and look skywards and see all those dots above you, doesn't it make you think that there should be something out there amongst all those stars ?

    I really think ( believe ) that we are not alone. Do you now think I'm crazy ? :stupid

  • Considering that there are billions of planets out there, you'd have to be a real pessimist to think we should be the only life-form in the entire universe. Would be interesting to see what such a being looks like. They might not even breathe air, who knows ? They could be highly intelligent or just on the first rung of the evolutionary ladder. Possibilities are endless. :-)

    Btw, all this aside, have you been back to that old house of yours ? I'm not sure if I would want to stay a night there. You must be very brave to spend the night all by yourself. :thumbs:

  • No, i havn't slept there yet, but im not normally alone-my Dad is either upstairs or my Sister is asleep next to me!
    I've been there, but only in the Morning to get my Sis ready for school! [we live @ my Moms]

    & It just depends what it is to actually call be Brave!!! XD lol :lol: