Savegame Problems

  • Ah, I'd like a new PC, too. Mine is getting old again... Well, no money for that at the moment! :-/

    As for your problem, it might just be some kind of AoD glitch, that game is so buggy... Have you tried it without the patches? I think one of these changed the way the game made quick saves, so maybe there's the problems...

  • Ah, I'd like a new PC, too. Mine is getting old again... Well, no money for that at the moment! :-/

    My dad has his eyes set on a relatively cheap PC, and he'll just add some parts to it and voilá - a gaming comp! But it's 50/50 whether he'll actually buy it, he's just planning to atm. ;-)

    As for your problem, it might just be some kind of AoD glitch, that game is so buggy... Have you tried it without the patches? I think one of these changed the way the game made quick saves, so maybe there's the problems...

    I hadn't heard that before, thanks! :D I'll try that right away - let's see what happens... :chin

    EDIT: It works! :happyjump Thank you, Wile E.! :hug Now, off I go to take some screenshots... :-)

  • Hello there!

    I've installed TRAOD to my new Windows 7 (64 bit) laptop and things are running great, except I can't find the SaveGame folder. This means that I can't use (or haven't found the way to use...) downloaded savegames - and there's no way I'll be able to finish any of the Kurtis levels. :(

    The game does create savegame files to somewhere (and I can load them normally), but I have no idea where. And when I try to search for the TRAODSG files, I only get the ones I've downloaded - not the ones created by the game. And when searching for the folder name "SaveGame", I find nothing. I haven't done anything special when installing it, and I've patched the game with both patches (42 and 52).

    The path name of the game folder (TRAOD) is C:\Program Files (x86)\Eidos Interactive, and it contains the following folders:

    • backup
    • bin
    • Data

    and files:

    • COREDESIGN (internet-link)
    • EIDOS (also a link)
    • Launcher (.exe file)
    • Readme (.rtf file)
    • ReadMePatch (.rtf file)

    if this helps at all, probably not.

    I've also tried to look whether the savegames of the game have ended up to some personal user data files, AppData or folders of that sort. I've displyed all of the hidden files too, but so far no good. ;(

    Sorry to bother so close to Christmas. :oops But anyhoo, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :presentf :presentm :tree

  • As with all newer Version of Windows since Vista any "normal" User is no longer allowed to write to the "Program Files" folder. I guess all read/write operations from games are redirected to your personal files. I haven't played AOD in a while so I don't know for sure. The file names of the save game look like 1.TRAODSG, 2.TRAODSG and so on, so you might want to do a system wide search for them.

    PS: Try C:\Users\"your user name"\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ ;-)

  • Found it! Thank you, Wile E. :-) :hug

    The path name to it was C:\Users\"myusername"\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Eidos Interactive\TRAOD :-)

    Apparently there's a Core Design folder too! Will keep an eye on that... :weird Oh, Windows 7, how I love thee... :grins

  • Ah, well, yes, but Windows 7 is only partly to blame. If all programmers had used the User- or "My Documents"-folder - that has existed in one form or another since Windows 95 - for save games, this problem would never have existed in the first place. This is only a quick and dirty fix, but at least there is some kind of access control to the Program Files folders nowadays.

  • Ah, well, yes, but Windows 7 is only partly to blame. If all programmers had used the User- or "My Documents"-folder - that has existed in one form or another since Windows 95 - for save games, this problem would never have existed in the first place.

    At least the mystery is now solved! :thumbsup

    Apparently the save files from other classics go to that VirtualStore folder too, to the Core Design one to be exact. The only exception (on my computer) is the original Tomb Raider (I'm running it with the Dosbox emulator): its saves go to C:\tombraider.

    And not to mention Tomb Raider Legend (save files in C:\Users\"myusername"\Files\Tomb Raider - Legend), Tomb Raider Anniversary (save files in C:\Users\"myusername"\Files\Eidos\Tomb Raider - Anniversary\ Default Profile) and Tomb Raider Underworld (save files in C:\Users\"myusername"\Files\Eidos\Tomb Raider Underworld).

    I think this info would come in handy since I bet I'm not the only one, who has had this "problem". :-)

  • Maybe we should pin it as an announcement to the top of the forum. Right along with "How Do I Get Off The Quad Bike?"! :D [hehe]


    The only exception (on my computer) is the original Tomb Raider (I'm running it with the Dosbox emulator): its saves go to C:\tombraider.

    I guess only programmes that are installed to the "c:\program files\" folder are affected. Additionally, when you play inside the emulator, I guess Windows can't interfere. (Doesn't dosbox need admin rights anyway? Haven't used it in a long while on Windows, so I don't know... Have to test it, I remember I installed a version that supported 3D acceleration via Glide so I could play TR1 in higher resolution. I wonder if it still works...)