I need help. I'm playing Indiana Jones and the temple of doom and I can't seem to make it to the water room and I was wondering if you can help me.
Lara at the movies
Which water room? Are you being chased by the ghost? At the beginning, or later, underground?
Later, underground. The two fire wraiths that come out and you need to open the 2nd door.
You have to hurry back to the crawlspace. Climb the ladder quickly. Don't pull up, but backflip to be quicker. Turn then run and jump over the gaps towards the water.
You should save after every bit you've achieved. It can be done, but you might need a few tries.
Okay, got past that part. Now, I can see to get to that jump switch, I know to use the rope, but I can't grab the switch!!! Here is a savegame to help you.
I'm at the point where I need to jump the first black gate and I can't do this, for some reason i don't have enough speed and I was wondering if you could help me with it. I have a savegame.
I'm playing Blood from a mummies tomb and I got passed that part.