• Quote

    Originally posted by tombraidergirl
    What would you call those?


    August 23, 1945-April 4, 1999 The Attack Comes Not From The Front, But From The Side
    “There are two kinds of Browncoats: Those within the fictional story of Firefly & those outside the story. We are the latter.”

  • Hi everyone.

    I am looking for a perfect keyword for the group of enemies that can be found in and under water. Somehow "water enemies" sounds silly. Any ideas?

  • Hmm... How about "Underwater Hazards"? :chin
    Although it could also mean all dangers that wait under water, like traps and such...
    "Beasts that lurk in the dephts of water"
    Sorry, these were the ones I could think of... :-) I think Underwater Enemies would be a good and simple keyword.

  • Exactly, "hazards" include traps. ;-)

    Thanks for the input.

    my problem with "underwater enemies" is that not all of them are "under" water :think:

  • then go with aquatic enemies, sure its long but it works the best in my book

    August 23, 1945-April 4, 1999 The Attack Comes Not From The Front, But From The Side
    “There are two kinds of Browncoats: Those within the fictional story of Firefly & those outside the story. We are the latter.”