• The following topic focusses on Article Names within the wiki.

    One might call it a "boat", the other might call it a "ship"; one calls it "life bar", the other simply "health"; "beetle" . which beetle, the large flying one, the red ones?...

    There are many names for some items, other names could describe more than one item so it's easy to lose sight, especially in the wiki where more than one person edits or adds articles and person A adds an article about the "Small Medi Pack", not knowing that person B has already written an article about the "Small Medipack ".

    In the Category: Define you can find all currently disputed article names, that have to be resolved.

    Two items, one Name
    In such a case a better name has to be found for each item and a "disambiguation page" has to be set up.

    see Beetles

    One item, two names
    In such a case the best possible name has to be found (see naming conventions) and all other possible names become redirects.

    see Small Medi Pack, which is redirected to Small Medipack.

    Please refer to the naming conventions.


    In the following thread we will discuss names for items.

    You are all invited to give your comments on the naming process.


    Let's start collecting keywords here.

    Of course I've got the obvious ones:

    Tomb Raider 1
    Tomb Raider 2....

    Kurtis Trent
    Werner Von Croy...

    What I'd also like to hear from you is: other words you might use for medipacks, weapons, how you call certain enemies (especially human ones)

  • thanks, snake, good work, I especially need those words that are not officially from the game.

    What do you meant by automatic shotgun?

    Yeah, anger occurs a lot, but I could file everything under anger. Why does Boaz come to mind? ;-)

  • Quote

    Original von snake

    faster loading the recoile doesnt lock as long faster speed of fire.

    i meant which specific weapon in which game?

  • Quote

    Original von snake

    the 1 on AOD had a faster speed of fire

    Ah ok, you are talking about the what they have officially called V-Packer.

    "death blades" that's a good one, but I also like "razor fan" I guess you could call them both. I had called them "rotating blades"

  • I would call the V-Packer a "Pump Action Shotgun"
    Here's a few of the AOD baddies you don't seem to have:
    Leviathan (the shark creature)
    Sanitarium Zombie
    Abomination Grub (those small reptile things in Bio-Research Facility)
    Abomination Phase II (the taller ones with claws)
    Gendarme (French police)
    Skeletons/Undead Knights

    There is also that French character from TLR:
    Jean Yves

    Hope it helps the TR Wikipedia!

  • well there is a few like...
    Desert Eagle
    HK Gun
    Grappling Hook Gun

    and acctions she does like..
    monkey swing


    gas mask
    von croys note book
    obsucure paintings
    ect ect.. hope that help :D

  • Hi,

    I don't know anything about weapons in AoD.
    We have just those:

    Desert Ranger
    Dart SS

    Do you know any more?
    Thank you.