Rennes' Pawnshop

  • johnny what do you mean by running toword myself..i dont get it!!!can you explain the whole thing better and deteled?!!!i am sorry its the frist ti me i am playing this game and i really need help!!!!

  • helloo its johnny its valentines day and im happy: Turn right toward the button on the wall. Wait for the cut scene showing the bomb counting down. Then press the button to open the door. Run out and swerve to the right to the trapdoor. Press Action to open it then jump forward into the hole, rather than safety dropping, which wastes time. Run down the hall, jump near the end to land in a hole and immediately run to the left along the pipe to escape the billowing flames. Or, to get away from the flames faster, jump forward and then start running. (When Lara drops into the pipe and you lose control of the camera, try not to think about what you're seeing and just press forward and left to get Lara running in the right direction.)

  • When i played this game i dont remember ever giving anyone money //and now ive completed it i was left with loads of stuff so i geuss it aint really worth bothering about the only thing i remember giving out was passports in the pawn shop//but hey its a massive game so dont take my word for it.. when i first went in the pawn shop he took what i had and come to think of it i dont remeber him giving me any money ..little shit ripped me off lol when you return thoe with the passports he's dead so i geuss i got revenge in the end.

  • Are you still stuck there?

    Ok, one mor try. I have had a look at this again, the quickes way is:


    Stand in front of the button before the cutscene starts. If you pick one of the maps last you can make by turning and running there. From the gun at the end it might be too far.
    When the cutscene ends you have to press the button at once. Then turn right to the door. Run through the door and right to the trapdoor. Try to stop in front of it in the middle. Press action to open it. Then immediately jump forwards and down into the opening. Press forwards and keep running. Jump at the earliest opportunity into the hole at the end. Try to steer a bit to the left. This might give you an advantage in the tunnel below. Then turn left and keep running forwards. Just hold the button, even if you are surrounded by fire. Lara is not dead till she drops.

    If you still cannot make it and are fed up, there are two more things you could try, if you are playing on the PC that is.

    Easiest way to get into the next level; without cutscene.

    The easiest way to reach the next level is if you download the Batch 1 Savegames from Eidos:…port/search.html?gmid=134
    That's the third file on the page. Then unzip the folder (using winzip, if you don't have it you can download a trial version here:
    Copy the contents into the subfolder SaveGame that can be found in your AOD folder. B.TRAODSG is the savegame you are looking for, it would be enough to copy just this. Just start your game the normal way and pick "Louvre Storm Drains". As I have mentioned you will miss the cutscene.

    You want to view the Cutscene

    There is a program which might allow you to view the cutscene and it might also allow you to skip the level. (Unfortunately when I tried it I couln't see Lara or Kurtis and the game crashed after the first part. But maybe it will work for you.)
    Download what's called the The Angel Of Darkness Configuration Utility
    I have installed it into the Programs\Eidos Interactive\TRAODSCU folder. You have to click on traodscu.exe
    Check Play Level/Cutscene/FMV
    And from Show specific cutscene pick Kurtis is watching Lara exploding.

    As I have mentioned this didn't work for me. I had no sound and no characters. Kurtis' cigarette is hanging in the air. [;)]

    So I think if you want to know what happens you have to get through this part by beating the timed run.

  • Normally, when you enter the pawnshop, you can talk to Rennes and he'll buy your items from you. But, if you have the passports from Bouchard, then, when you enter, a man

    will push past you and Rennes won't be at the counter. Lara will put the passports on the counter and when you go to the backroom

    Hope this helps...

  • i have some bad new..for me and fgor all of you who helped me along the Reenie;s Pownshop. my computer had some problems, so i had to fix it and the only way that could work was installinga Windows XP and now they had to reinstall the game..does that mean i have to start all over again????????????????? :ouch: i cant beleve it!!!!!is there any othjer posssibility that i could syart from where i was....I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    whart do you think?

  • hey can you help me find a site that gives all the level's instructions, i had one before but now i lost the ADDRESS, it was a site with brown backround. if you can help with a nother one or if you remembert his one, it will be grate!!!REMEMBER: ITS A SITE WITH ALL THE LEVELS OF THE GAME AND IT GIVES STEP BY STEP ALL YOU HAVE TO DO THET, ENEMIES ETC. I HAD IT BEFORE BUT I CANT REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNOW IT. IT HAS SHORT CUTS!!!!