Mediterranean Sea - Niflheim

  • In the area with the giant octopus, there appears to be an upper area that i cant figure out how to get to. You can kill the octo, pull the lever and carry on. So this must be a bonus area right at the top of the room. I can see ledges right up there but cant get to them.

    When you are on the rightmost statue, she appears interested in a pole that sticks out of the wall. This looks like a clue. You can jump to the pole but there is nowhere further to go (that i can find). Maybe this is irrelevant?

    I wondered if you need to get onto the spiky thing before letting it down, so i played this bit again, but i cant get onto that either.
    Also, the climbing poles are here (three on one side and one large one on the other) but i cant get anywhere useful from them and didn’t need to climb then for the main octo puzzle. Weird. I figure they must have a use!

    Here’s to another great game!

  • 1. Patience, you will get there soon.

    2. If I understand correctly where you mean, that is just another way to get to the upper levels with the wheel mechanisms.

    3. I found no way to get on top of the thing and I think it would not do you any good anyway.

    4. Again the poles are just another way to solve the room.

    May I ask how you began with the puzzle?

  • Can someone please tell me an easy way to kill the kraken? I have pulled a wheel mechanism on the left side and the kraken took one of it's tentacles away, but Idk what else to

  • You need to do the same on the other side. (Just cross the walkway from the first lever.) Retracting the two walkways will release the spiky platform, so it can be pulled up.

  • You need to do the same on the other side. (Just cross the walkway from the first lever.) Retracting the two walkways will release the spiky platform, so it can be pulled up.

    I can't find the other lever. I'm not above the kraken, I am still where I came in, only it's a floor below me. I dropped down after the cutscene, used this lever and now I can't find the other one, and it's not on the other side because the other side has nothing.

  • I don' get where your problem lies... why wont you just walk out the retracted plank after using the first lever to retract it?
    There's not much to it. It's relatively simple.

    If you are at the bottom of the chamber with the lever, climb back up, there are ledges and other means everywhere. If you are outside just find a way in, it should not be too difficult to find a way to either of the two chambers (top or bottom).

  • I don' get where your problem lies... why wont you just walk out the retracted plank after using the first lever to retract it?
    There's not much to it. It's relatively simple.

    If you are at the bottom of the chamber with the lever, climb back up, there are ledges and other means everywhere. If you are outside just find a way in, it should not be too difficult to find a way to either of the two chambers (top or bottom).

    Okay, nevermind, I found my way to the top! The climbable wall on the right side was kinda hard for me to climb up haha. Now that I've got both retracted, I have pulled the level on the spiked thing, jumped across the other side with a grappel, and pulled that lever and the spiked chain only goes up farther, and now I'm not sure what to do...I must say, Underworld is pretty hard early on xD