I'd offer to be a judge, but it would be fair since I'm a contest participant.
Thanks anyway Glad you're entering.
I'd offer to be a judge, but it would be fair since I'm a contest participant.
Thanks anyway Glad you're entering.
Oh God! I haven't written ANYTHING in weeks! I really need to focus on writing (in general) now, especially with my entry. I've only got about three pages of rubbish. Good thing the deadline's in June; I really don't need to be panicking about it! I really need to calm down. Random but OK.
Calm is good
8 weeks to go
Ugh, please no countdown. I'm computerless as it is. And I CANNOT write on this stupid laptop. That's just not how I work.
Hey, question. Is there any you can postpone the deadline? There's no way I can finish TDORA by then.
Please, I'm desperate.
Sorry - I only just saw this. As it happened I wouldn't have been able to delay the entry date and I'm glad that you managed to enter despite the rush.
The results of the compeitition are posted at www.villageoftokakeriby.co.uk.
Congrats to Harmoniad I thought Akkon was going to win!
Congratulations to Harmoniad! Any word on what he chose for his prize?
He chose the board game. That's what I would have chosen.
I probably would have chosen either the board game or the Tomb Raider Files book. I already have the CD--Rhona Mitra can sing!
I guess I will never make a deadline for a writing contest these days. Oh well, at least I have the board game.
It didn't occur to me to ask if Harmoniad was a he or a she.
We now have the 5th Village Of Tokakeriby competition at http://www.tokakeriby.com/VOT5.htm if anybody is interested.
I trust you're accepting entries via email? I'd like to submit a piece I've written previously, if that's all right.
Yup, email is fine. (We don't really get entries any other way.) A previous story is fine. Good luck!
<gratuitous spam>VOT6 [url]http://www.tokakeriby.co.uk[/url] ¡¡¡THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!!</gratuitous spam>