• In Tomb Raider 3, The Adventures of Lara Croft... I get through to the glass-floored room with the scarabs and hieroglyphs... I can't get back down to my guide... I've tried shooting at the floor, I've ran around in circles... but i haven't fiquered out how to get out of there yet... i feel really stupid... :shoot: stupid me, die :mad:

    See a world in a grain of sand,
    ad heaven in a wild flower,
    To hold time in the palm of your hand,
    and eternity in an hour.

  • that's the second time i've typed 3 instead of 4...i'm a ditz :lol:

    and i've tried walk throughs... no use... I can't find the help line either... help me :flare:

    See a world in a grain of sand,
    ad heaven in a wild flower,
    To hold time in the palm of your hand,
    and eternity in an hour.

  • Is that the room with the fire underneath, where there are certain floor tiles that glow from underneath?


    You have to jump exactly onto the lit spots. If you've done it correctly, the torches on the front wall will be lit. If you make a mistake, all of them will go out. Jump onto the square ahead, then the one on the right, the next one ahead, make a side sault to the left then jump onto the last square on the right. (As long as you hit all of them correctly and don't touch any other square, that includes the borders, you should be alright. If you've made a mistake, you have to go back into the passage. Slide down to the right. Follow the passage. In the chamber you'll also find a shotgun with some ammo. Pull the rope to reset the puzzle. Run up the other passage to get back to the puzzle.) If you've made it, the gate will open.

  • HAHAHA! Thank you all! I'm free, FREE ALAS!... I need the game to test this out...BUT I'M FREE! :grin: boo ya grandma!

    See a world in a grain of sand,
    ad heaven in a wild flower,
    To hold time in the palm of your hand,
    and eternity in an hour.