4th Level: West Africa/Ghana

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    Originally posted by Enigma
    The bridge just is not there at all. I can see looking up before I even get up top that the bridge is not there. When I get up I leave the barrels alone. I have had to replay this part so many times because the only two times I got across the ropes I had no spare medkits as the men dodn't drop them or they fell over the edge. Any one know why they sometimes don't drop there med kits?

    Have a look at the picture hxxp://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8943/nobridge1acf8.gif

    Then your game obviously has a bug.

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    Originally posted by Enigma
    The bridge just is not there at all. I can see looking up before I even get up top that the bridge is not there. When I get up I leave the barrels alone. I have had to replay this part so many times because the only two times I got across the ropes I had no spare medkits as the men dodn't drop them or they fell over the edge. Any one know why they sometimes don't drop there med kits?

    Have a look at the picture http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/8943/nobridge1acf8.gif

    Sometimes they dont, it happens to me and most people i've watched playing. But dennis is probably right, most likely there is a bug.

  • I have followed the walkthrough for the water puzzle but am stuck; I have placed the stone block on the right-hand pressure pad, and jumped back to the left-hand pad.
    I cannot seem to leave the pad and get to the centre in time to pull out the star to lower the arms. I can get there while the last manacle is still wide open, but the arms won't come down.
    I have tried many different ways of timing the run to the revolving ledge, but none seem to work. Can anyone suggest the correct sequence to speed up the journey to the centre ledge?

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    Original von ptou666
    I have followed the walkthrough for the water puzzle but am stuck; I have placed the stone block on the right-hand pressure pad, and jumped back to the left-hand pad.
    I cannot seem to leave the pad and get to the centre in time to pull out the star to lower the arms. I can get there while the last manacle is still wide open, but the arms won't come down.
    I have tried many different ways of timing the run to the revolving ledge, but none seem to work. Can anyone suggest the correct sequence to speed up the journey to the centre ledge?

    Well, run and jump to the revolving plattform wihout any pauses. On the revolving plattform keep on running and jump to the other plattform as soon as the revolving plattform is nearly horizontal. Turn to the figure immediatly and throw your legde to the star. Run backward some paces and pull the star out of the figure. At least it worked for me after the third or forth try.


  • Why? Are the statues arms down again? Then you are too slow. Normally there is enough time to make it over, even if you wait for the turning platform to come to rest.

    Attach the grapple, stand back far enough, pull. There is not much to it at this point.

  • Yes I did - I have the box on the far pressure plate, so that the furthest manacle is open; I then stand on the other plate until the ledge stops revolving. I then run and jump on to the ledge (which is now going the other direction) and jump on to the central ledge.
    I can do this quite quickly (although I usually stumble slightly when reaching the central ledge) and I can be in front of the star while the second manacle is still wide open. I use the grapple and pull the star out, but the arms don't come down.
    I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with the program (maybe a bad 'save') and I may have to start all over again.
    Thanks again for your replies.

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    Original von ptou666
    Yes I did - I have the box on the far pressure plate, so that the furthest manacle is open; I then stand on the other plate until the ledge stops revolving. I then run and jump on to the ledge (which is now going the other direction) and jump on to the central ledge.
    I can do this quite quickly (although I usually stumble slightly when reaching the central ledge) and I can be in front of the star while the second manacle is still wide open. I use the grapple and pull the star out, but the arms don't come down.
    I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with the program (maybe a bad 'save') and I may have to start all over again.
    Thanks again for your replies.

    May be you are too close to the star. If so, you pull the star downward, which doesn't work, since you have to pull out the star nearly horizontally. Instead you have to go to the far end of the plattform, only from there you have a chance for pulling out the star.


  • Quote

    Original von ptou666
    Yes I did - I have the box on the far pressure plate, so that the furthest manacle is open; I then stand on the other plate until the ledge stops revolving. I then run and jump on to the ledge (which is now going the other direction) and jump on to the central ledge.
    I can do this quite quickly (although I usually stumble slightly when reaching the central ledge) and I can be in front of the star while the second manacle is still wide open. I use the grapple and pull the star out, but the arms don't come down.
    I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with the program (maybe a bad 'save') and I may have to start all over again.
    Thanks again for your replies.

    I'll try to add a screen shot of the position, where Lara should be to have her pull out the star. See the attached jpg-file.


  • Hi Klaas,
    Thanks for the screenshot. I've tried this position over and over again but still no luck. I'll try to add a screenshot of one of my tries.
    I'm almost sure that I've saved the level with a bug included, but everything else seems to work ok. I'll have to try the level over again and I'll let you know if it works.

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    Original von ptou666
    Hi all,

    I started the level all over again and when I got to the water puzzle it worked first time - it was obviously a bad save.

    Thanks again to you all for your help.

    Congratulations and best wishes for your further tomb raiding. BTW - have you updated to the patch 1.2?


  • legend stuck in west africa, section 6. there are supposed two be two hanging blocks which lara should use to get to a ladder. one is spposed to go down while the other goes up. in my game there is only one which goes down quickly. where am i going wrong