Which films have you watched recently?

  • Watched some of From Russia with Love yesterday but fell asleep around 2pm and woke up around two hours later. Watched some of the Fifth Element last night too. I think I'll watch Entrapment today.

  • I just watched Kurosawa Akira's movie called 生きる (ikiru, live). Incredibly sad story, but it sort of allowed me to sort out a bit of the emotional mess inside me for some reason... It's a very "slow" movie, so don't watch it if you've no patience. But if you have, I can recommend it. To those who don't weep easily.

  • Watched some of From Russia with Love yesterday but fell asleep around 2pm and woke up around two hours later. Watched some of the Fifth Element last night too. I think I'll watch Entrapment today.

    Looks like you've had a lazy day, Cat. [hehe]
    Entrapment is quite entertaining :thumbsup
    I watched a movie lenght episode of top gear ( don't laugh ) the polar special. Lots of fun :rofl

  • You need those sort of days from time to time. I understand. :thumbs:
    I watched Suspiria on the weekend. About a dancing school in munich governed by some nasty witches who ultimately start killing students
    but in the end meet their match. Suspenseful and a bit gory. Try it. :-) Sort of movie if you wanna stay up late. :shock:

  • Has anyone here heard of the movie called the Childerns Hour? The title really doesn't have much to do with the movie, but it has my favorite actress Audrey Hepburn in it. I'm so curious if anyone has seen it or even heard of it. :lollypop:

  • Sorry butteryum ( how did you come up with that name? ). But I haven't heard of, let alone seen the movie The childrens hour. I know the actress Audrey Hepburn, she's from the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. Right? She's a very beautiful woman and one of the all time great actresses. :-)
    So, are you into old movies?

  • why yes she is! It's about these 2 ladies who run a school for girls. Audrey Hepburn and Surly McClain(sp?) play the two ladies. This one little girl spreads a rumor that her 2 teachers, hepburn and mcclain, are lovers. It's was back in the 50's. Once the parents find out they take all of their childern out of the school. The little girl told his lie just cuz she didn't like her teachers. Hepburns chacicter(sp?) is engage but he leaves her cuz of the lie. Hepburn doesn't love McClain, but McClain tell audrey that she really does love her. I was so suprised to find a movie from the 50's about a lesbian. It's an interesting movie.

    yeaha i love old movies, lol right now i'm watching Bambi :walk:

  • Sounds really interesting. I bet the movie 's been labelled R 18+ back then and probably shrouded in controversy. :-) I mean, lesbians in the 50s, unheard of ( in movies ) surely. :think: .
    BTW, it's Shirley Maclaine ( since you asked. ) :thumbsup
    Old movies ain't half bad, but I watched " The transporter 2 ". Never seen Nr.1 but it was on the telly so I decided to watch. It's sort of
    ' shoot 'em up ' and quite fun to watch. [hehe]

  • Really now? i'll have to give that a shot. I also have to say, since it kinda has to go w/ this thread, that i was watching The Little Mermaid the other day, and wow... did it but me in the mood for fish! spanks for spelling it for me. hehe i can't spell worth my life! pluz, i can't remember how i came up with my name, but it was on this site i did. this site rocks off my socks. erm... I was also SO shocked as well about the lesbians in the fifties thing. I wonder if it hurt Audrey's career? I think it was a very bold step to do the movie. But you must watch it sometime. It is a good movie, i thought. :catlara

  • I wonder if it hurt Audrey's career?

    I don't think so. If anything it made her more interesting as an actress. :thumbs: But since it is such an old movie it won't e easy to find it on DVD.
    I love Casino Royale. :thumbsup And can't wait for the Quantum of solace. ( what does it mean ??? ) :think:

    I watched Asterix and Obelix . A french movie with engl. subtitles. I loved it. :sun:

  • Quantum = lack of
    Solace = comfort

    Quantum of Solace = Lack of Comfort

    It shares a title with one of Ian Fleming's short stories of the same name. I read the script already and the summary on Wikipedia - I must say, it sounds sad, yet promising.

  • Has anyone here heard of the movie called the Childerns Hour?

    Not until now. But it sounds really interesting from what I've read about it just now.

    Casino Royale (2006)
    With a friend an hour or so ago. Very enjoyable movie - one of my favorites.

    Yes, definitely one of my favourite Bond movies.

    Quantum of Solace
    [...]I read the script already and the summary on Wikipedia - I must say, it sounds sad, yet promising.

    I have to find some time to go to the cinemas... I bet tonight I won't get tickets, tomorrow I'm busy and then the weekend is over and the "fun" starts again, and next weekend we are pretty close to TRUs release...

  • Quantum of Solace looks to be quite the box office smash hit. I mean, it is after all the first sequel in Bond history, and Casino Royale left fans shaken and stirred at the ending. Good to hear Daniel Craig's got a four-year-or-more contract - he's a fantastic Bond, in my opinion.

  • I totally agree with you, Cat. Daniel Craig is in my opinion THE best 007 ever. He's got charisma and style. Yet he is not the most handsome man that ever walked the face of the planet. [hehe] I'll go and see it as soon as possible.

  • I prefer Sean Connery as Bond myself, but honestly, I find Daniel Craig very attractive.

    I watched the Fifth Element last night. Fantastic film but ashamed to say that I own the collector's edition with bonus scenes, and since normally I just watch my favorite parts, I miss them. But last night, my friend I'm rather fond of and I watched the entire movie and I saw scenes I didn't even think were in the movie.

  • I saw scenes I didn't even think were in the movie.

    Just like the 'Lord of the rings' trilogy. I bought the extended version which makes the movie like 15 min longer.
    So, how much did they cut out of the ' Fifth Element ' movie version ? And what were the scene's we missed out on ? :-)
    I LOVE the 5th element!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!