Somethings gotta give- jack nicholsons scary
Which films have you watched recently?
Monthy Python and the holy grail ("Dirty Inglish Knnigetts"
the theater a few towns over was showing that, as a huge fan i went! you really dont notice how many times the boom comes into view, or how much Tim spits
Finding Nemo
i watched it two nights ago and it was awesome. the acting, scenerio everything was very good. i strongly suggest it...
I watched recently ManInBlack I and tomorrow i'll watch MIB II
^^i think that dudes vioce is weird in that film
I watched Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 yesterday.
lol i agree DA, but the real Truman Capote's voice was like that too, so that was just a good acting
thats true
I watched Hot Fuzz the other day
Im going to watch Prestige. Do u know that movie ? Its amazing...I saw its offical site
And my fav. actor is playing in that movie Prestige
"Drowning Mona". A wonderful movie with a satisfying amount of balderdash
Oh finally watched Harry Potter and the goblet of fire..
Originally posted by pEhouse
Oh finally watched Harry Potter and the goblet of fire..I didnt watch it but I wanna watch it pEhouse ! How was it ? Is it amazing or horrible or both ?
The harry potter films are becoming boring. The only highlight of it was watching Stanislav Ianevski playing Quiditch and his various other scenes.
I watched saving private ryan in english today
yes Harry Potter's movies are get boring ... they are start to very silly..
well what ever floats your boat.
I watched borat last night. wasnt as funny as it was when i first watched it.
Original von Angel_of_Darkness
I didnt watch it but I wanna watch it pEhouse ! How was it ? Is it amazing or horrible or both ?
The books are always better cuz a lot of stuff is missing in the movies. But i'm always curious to see how they set it up
I want to ask if you know when Harry Potter 5 will be shown in cinemas in england or amerkia??Because in germany it will be July or sth. like that!
I've watched Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children recently! It's so cool! Loved the graphics!
What flims do you mean as in flims with actors or game trailers?
lara can and will kick ur ass