Terrible? Do you mean, that it's shocking but still good, or do you mean, that it was just bad? I hardly heard something negative about this film, that's why I'm asking
Which films have you watched recently?
I found it amazingly boring.
x nothing speical about it. i feel like he deserved to get his arm trapped. but thats my theory.. also i just watched the never ending story
I recently watched TRON: Legacy.
That was an awesome movie. I think it is the best 3d-movie I've ever seen.
As an lover of syfy I recommend it to those who like futuristic movies and love neon-lights
The soundtrack is awesome by the way, produced by Daft Punk -
Harry Potter & the deathly Hallows
Black Swan.
One of the best movies I've ever seen!
i still hvent watched Tron : Legacy
i really want to watch that
The Others :3
the new harry potter
now we have to wait for the conclusion
but it was great :wave2:
The Godfather
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It was nice to watch the very first one of the movies again. The actors look so adorable!
I can't believe it was released nine years ago, time surely flies...
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It was nice to watch the very first one of the movies again. The actors look so adorable!
I can't believe it was released nine years ago, time surely flies...
Its mad aint it, watching them now, and then look at them years agoThe descent ;)! amazing flim. love horrors
the fifth element
love it
the fifth element
love it
LOVE THAT FLIM!!!! so cool :D!!!
The descent part 2, kinda disapointed with it.
Hide and Seek - Pretty good film with a nice ending
Hide and Seek - Pretty good film with a nice ending
is that the flim with Robert DiNerro in? (sorry cant spell his last name ¬_¬) -
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. I love that movie
Paranormal Activity
hehe even though i beileve in the Paranormal World this flim is pretty amusing ahha
yeah... it pretty much scared the sh*t out of me.
You got scared of that??
i also watched the Tomb raider movie (first one)