Peru - City of Vilcabamba

  • Ask your questions about the Tomb Raider: Anniversary level Peru - City of Vilcabamba in this thread.


    This posting will be updated regularly to bring you all the information you need.

  • Anyone please help, Lara can't grab at the last jump...
    8. The Left Chamber
    Try passing the checkpoint in front of the temple again, just in case. Run through the left entrance. Run up the stairs to the left. When you enter the chamber with the pool, run along the left side, up the stairs and along the walkway to the right. At the end jump across the gap, to reach the higher platform attached to the wall. Pull up. On the wall ahead, a bit to the right is a gap at the wall. Run and jump over to the crevice. Shimmy sideways to the right. At the end jump right and grab the next part of the crevice. Shimmy further right. At the end turn backwards and jump to the entrance. Bug Report: Two gamers claimed that Lara wouldn't grab. Pull up and enter. Run up the ramp to the left and follow it out into the water chamber on a higher level. Here you need to kill three bats. Then jump across the gap to the other side. Pull up and run to the edge. Jump towards the next handle ahead. It will also swing around and open the door below. Climb back down.

  • You might try several things...

    Shimmy to the right end (corner), jump (hold jump till you reach the ledge) and press Interaction. (In case you have switched to manual grab, you need to press the grab button instead) - Interaction is for securing the grip.

    If this all does not work, you can upload your savegame here (but only if you have the regular PC Version - as the pre releases and rental versions are incompatible) and someone else will get you past this spot.

  • some of my jumps are bit borderline and i use E to correct the grip. this is mostly my bad use of controls. but perhaps this jump is very slightly too far and this is needed. try ensuring manual grip is off and pressing E at the end of the jump.

    or perhaps you have a buged version. i could check my PC version and see if it the same if you like?

  • Quote

    Originally posted by FeetOfFlames
    Hi there - I have exactly the same problem - could someone please put a savegame?

    Thanks a lot!

    [hehe] I have solved this, you just need to adjust as this, choose Options - Displays - Fullscreen Effects-> Off, remember click E for grapping :sun:

  • I m having da same problem as all others r having I'v ttried all the options given here for helping Lara to grap but still I m unable to do

    Anyone plz help me or plz upload the save game after grapping.

  • I'll upload a saved game... But how? Please explain!

    Btw: I'm at St. Francis Folly: Damocles Room, I got all Artifacts and Relics!

  • 1. Zip your savegame.
    2. Save it somewhere on your comp.
    3. Reply and click "Attachments" below the editor window
    4. Upload your ZIP File there, then click the "Close" button
    5. Write a message in the editor
    6. Click the "Post reply" button

  • Nooooooooooo I'v tried it so many times but still unable to cross I am stucked at that place since last 15 days. Kindly suggest me wt to do now. Plz help me.

  • I'v ritten dis several times I m stucked at the last point in the level where Lara has to open a door I've crossed one chamber but in the left chamber Lara is not able to jump. Please help me out