Which Gold Reward was the hardest to find?

  • Which one was hardest? 2

    1. Croft Manor (0) 0%
    2. England (0) 0%
    3. Nepal (0) 0%
    4. Kazakhstan (1) 50%
    5. Ghana (0) 0%
    6. Japan (0) 0%
    7. Peru (0) 0%
    8. Bolivia (1) 50%

    Nine levels in nine locations, (including croft manor) eight of which have a different Gold Reward. Which did you think was the hardest to find?:D

    My vote goes to Japan! :P

    Only joking! I thought that England gold reward was infuriating as if you missed one tile or pressed them out of order, you didn't get it. It took me ages to work out the tile's significance: i thought i had somehow managed to bypass that part of the level: i never kn ew they were reward-related until my fourth or fifth go at it!

  • Do you mind if I add a poll?

    My hardest was Kazakhstan, or maybe Bolivia.

    In Bolivia I had this idea, where it was, and I tried again and again to get up the door, however the door was too high up and I had my problems with the mechanism, that took me three rounds, till I understood how it worked.

    In Kazakhstan I had figured out, that the platform hat to be in the far right corner, but I couldn't do it for a while.

    (I found Nepal and Japan right away. I found Peru, Ghana and England on my second round, when looking for rewards. - I actually saw my boyfriend picking up the one in England, where I had missed the button III on my way back in the first go. The one in the manor we solved kind of together.)

  • I dunno, because i found 'em all except Nepal which i found by myself by reading Trgirl's walkthrough :oops: but i guess it must've been Kazakhstan. I would never even have thought about that it could be hidden THERE. It's also the gold reward that requires most time. I tried several times, but the first three times i just could'nt get that silly platform shot up and enervated completed the level without collecting it, also because i didn't know exactly which of the four platforms in the room TRg meant :D...

  • ^Well,yes it was difficult cos who would that a reward will be at the chest(at first I play the game I was wondering why did Lara was looking at it)

    I think the Kazakhstan gold reward was the most difficult to find.
    Some people think also that the England greward was difficult(I know that other people think that the Nepal,Bolivia...grewards were difficult to find,but I'm talking right now about the England greward)So,as I was saying there wasn't anything difficult about finding the greward in England.
    Cos when you see a 'botton' that had a marked 3 and when you reach the place that you have to put the little cage to climb up to push the botton marked 1 when you see that place you say to your self 'Maybe I could climb up there' and when you see the other side you're saying that you could climb up there also!When you climb up there and you see the botton marked 2 you relise that you have to push the previos botton you saw you marked 3.
    So,it wasn't so difficult to get the greward in England.


  • Kazakhstan

    So damn hard ... I spent nights trying xD

    See a world in a grain of sand,
    And heaven in a wild flower,
    To hold time in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.

  • Bolivia.. I couldn't figure out where it was aat all! At least with Kazakstan I knew, and all I had to do was shoot the platform till it was in the right place. I think it's because it was the first level played so I wasn't sure what to look for etc.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by MaskedRaider
    Nine levels in nine locations, (including croft manor) eight of which have a different Gold Reward. Which did you think was the hardest to find?:D

    My vote goes to Japan! :P

    Only joking! I thought that England gold reward was infuriating as if you missed one tile or pressed them out of order, you didn't get it. It took me ages to work out the tile's significance: i thought i had somehow managed to bypass that part of the level: i never kn ew they were reward-related until my fourth or fifth go at it!

    It's not so bad in England if you press the tiles on the way back (after you have faced the sea serpant)

  • England is so easy ... I thought it was really obvious :P

    See a world in a grain of sand,
    And heaven in a wild flower,
    To hold time in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.

  • hmm Nepal ... I cant remember where it was :P

    See a world in a grain of sand,
    And heaven in a wild flower,
    To hold time in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.

  • The hardest Gold to find was Japan (stupid box) for me, but the Kazakstan gold was the hardest to get. England and Nepal weren't too bad - I found them without walkthroughs, so not horrible. Even if they were found by mistake :-) - well, that's how most brilliant discoveries are made...

  • My vote accidentally went to England, :slapforehead . I meant for it to go to Kazakhstan. It would have been incredibly difficult had it not been for Tomb Raider Girl's walkthrough and the strategy guide!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by obi-wan_the_hobbit
    The hardest Gold to find was Japan (stupid box) for me, but the Kazakstan gold was the hardest to get. England and Nepal weren't too bad - I found them without walkthroughs, so not horrible. Even if they were found by mistake :-) - well, that's how most brilliant discoveries are made...

    I'm gonna agree with my sister about the Kazakstan gold reward but I voted for England, namely coz I cant remember where the gold reward is. [hehe]